Wordpress plugins
A Year Before

A Year Before

Version : 1.0
Tested up to : 4.2.16
Number of download : 13065
Author : Ralf Thees
Average rating : 3.5 / 5 on 3 votes 3 votes, 3.5 avg.rating


A Year Before
A Year Before
A Year Before
A Year Before

With “A Year Before” you can show the titles of the articles which were written a certain time ago. So you can show in a “historical corner”, what happend in your blog e.g. 30 days, 6 months or a year before. You also can use the “anniversary-mode”, which will display all the posts through the years, which were written on this day and month. You can use it as a wordpress-widget or put it in your theme as a php-function with parameters. Configuration Using the widget Just click on the configuration-button of the widget an use the selfexplaining popup-dialog. Use the output-pattern to define the look of the found articles. Possible patterns are: %title% The title of the article %link% The link to the article %date% The date of the article %excerpt% The excerpt of the article. You can define the number of displayed characters bei appending the number like %excerpt80%, which will display 80 characters. %thumbnail% The featured image of the article. Not using the widget You can call the plugin with a PHP-statement in a WordPress-Theme and pass some parameters in this scheme parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2&parameter3=value3 … You can use the following parameters day : the number of days ago you want to show the articles. month : the number of month ago you want to show the articles. year : the number of years ago you want to show the articles. before : piece of HTML to insert before the title of the articles. Default <li> after: piece of HTML to insert after the title of the articles. Default </li> range: number of days the plugin will search back in the future (relative to the values of day, month and year above) for an article. Meant as a “round about this day”-feature. Default 0 showdate: shows the date (showdate=1) before every title or not (showdate=0) dateformat : dateformat as used by PHP. Default ist the german shortform “d.m.y” notfound: the text the plugin will output, if no article is found on the defined date. anniversary: if set to 1, the plugin will display all articles ever blogged with the same number of day and month. The parameters “day”, “month”, “year” and “range” will be ignored if used. private: show private posts? 0: only public posts 1: private and public posts 2: only private posts. Default 0 showpages: show pages? 0: No, 1: Yes. Default 0 posts_max: number of articles to be shown. 0 means ‘all’. Default 0 Examples ayb_posts("day=30&before=&after=<br />&showdate=0"); Shows the titles of the articles written 30 days ago without showing the date. The articles will not been showed as a HTML-list but simply seperated by a linebreak <br />. ayb_posts("month=6&day=14&notfound=Nothing blogged on this day."); The titles of the articles written half a year and two weeks before, also showing the date . If there was no article written on that day, the output will be »Nothing blogged on this day.« ayb_posts("range=14&dateformat=y-m-d"); Looks up a year back for written articles. If none are found, the plugin will check the next 14 days in the future. If a article is found on some of this days, all articles of this day will be listed with a “year-month-day”-format. ayb_posts("anniversary=1"); Shows the title of all posts, which were posted on the same day in the same month, independend of the year. E.g. on chistmas day you will see all posts, which are posted on december 24th since the blog was started. Styling If you like CSS, you can style the date with the class ayb_date, the link of the article with the class ayb_link and the notfound-message by using the class ayb_notfound. Uninstall Deactivate the plugin, then select “delete” in the plugin-panel. The files and the options of this plugin will be deleted. Thank you for using “a year before”. 😉

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