Wordpress plugins
Advanced Bootstrap Blocks

Advanced Bootstrap Blocks

Version : 1.8
Tested up to : 5.9.2
Number of download : 14
Author : helpful.dev


Advanced Bootstrap Blocks
Advanced Bootstrap Blocks
Advanced Bootstrap Blocks
Advanced Bootstrap Blocks

This plugin adds flexible Bootstrap 4 blocks to the WordPress editor for creating custom page layouts with the Bootstrap grid. Are you using Advanced Bootstrap Blocks? Write a review! Blocks Advanced Bootstrap Blocks adds the following Bootstrap 4 blocks to the WordPress editor: Container (fixed-width or fluid, with background image settings) Row Column Button and Button Group Card with Header, Body, Footer Jumbotron Block Templates Do you need to create standard block layouts for WordPress pages and posts? The WordPress editor lets you define custom block templates inside your theme. The example below may get you started. Visit the WordpPress Block Editor Handbook to learn more about supercharging your WordPress themes with blocks templates. <?php if(in_array('advanced-bootstrap-blocks/advanced-bootstrap-blocks.php', apply_filters('active_plugins', get_option('active_plugins')))){ // do stuff only if the Advanced Bootstrap Blocks plugin is active add_action( 'init', 'advancedbootstrapblocks_register_page_template' ); function advancedbootstrapblocks_register_page_template() { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( 'page' ); $isFluid = get_theme_mod( 'understrap_container_type' ) === 'container-fluid'; $post_type_object->template = [ [ 'advanced-bootstrap-blocks/container', ['className'=>'py-5', 'isWrapped' => $isFluid, 'isFluid' => false ], [ [ 'advanced-bootstrap-blocks/row', [], [ [ 'advanced-bootstrap-blocks/column', ['className'=>'col-md-8 offset-md-2 text-center'], [ ['core/heading', [ 'className' => 'display-4', 'level' => 1, 'placeholder' => 'Hello, World!', ], [] ], [ 'core/paragraph', ['className' => 'lead', 'placeholder' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', ], [] ], ] ] ] ] ] ], ]; } }

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