Awesome Shortcodes is an awesome collection of shortcodes. Currently included shortcode packs: General shortcodes. Text shortcodes. Posts shortcodes. Users shortcodes. WooCommerce shortcodes. ✅ General Shortcodes [copyright] – Shortcode displays copyright symbol. [countdown] – Creates a countdown timer. Updated every second. [dashicon] – Shortcode displays WordPress dash icon. [date] – Displays current date. [font_awesome] – Shortcode displays Font Awesome icons. [google_map] – Shortcode displays Google Map for selected coordinates. [hide] – Hides content. Useful for commenting. [login_url] – Shortcode displays your WordPress site login URL. [meter] – Shortcode is used to measure data within a given range (a gauge). Uses HTML <meter> tag. [number_counter] – Creates an animated number counter. [option] – Shortcode displays WordPress option value. Uses WordPress get_option() function. [progress] – Shortcode displays the progress of a task. Uses HTML <progress> tag. [table] – Displays HTML table. [timenow] – Shows current time in HH:MM:SS format. Updated every second. [total_categories] – Shortcode displays total categories count on your site. [total_tags] – Shortcode displays total tags count on your site. [total_taxonomy] – Shortcode displays total taxonomy terms count on your site. – Shortcode displays embedded YouTube video. ✅ Text Shortcodes [code] – Wrap contents in <code> tag. Useful for displaying a piece of computer code. [details] – Creates an interactive widget that user can open and close. Uses HTML <details> tag. [flash] – Creates flashing text effect with CSS. [is_user_logged_in] – Hides text from users who are not logged in. [is_user_role] – Shows text by user role. [strikeout] – Strikeouts content. [text3d] – Creates 3D text with CSS. ✅ Posts Shortcodes [post_id] – Displays current post ID. [post_meta] – Displays post meta field value. [posts] – Displays posts. Check WP_Query page for more info on params. [total_posts] – Displays total number of posts in your site. ✅ Users Shortcodes [total_users] – Shortcode displays the count of users having each role, or the count of all users. [user_display_name] – Displays current user display name. If user is not logged, nothing is displayed. [user_email] – Displays current user email. If user is not logged, nothing is displayed. [user_first_name] – Displays current user first name. If user is not logged, nothing is displayed. [user_id] – Displays current user ID. If user is not logged, nothing is displayed. [user_ip] – Displays current user IP. [user_last_name] – Displays current user last name. If user is not logged, nothing is displayed. [user_location] – Displays current user location (i.e. country). [user_login] – Displays current user login (i.e. username). If user is not logged, nothing is displayed. [user_property] – Displays current user selected property. If user is not logged, nothing is displayed. ✅ WooCommerce Shortcodes [wc_current_currency_code] – Shortcode displays current WooCommerce currency code. Useful for multi-currency sites. [wc_current_currency_symbol] – Shortcode displays current WooCommerce currency symbol. Useful for multi-currency sites. [wc_login_form] – Displays WooCommerce login form for not logged in users. If user is already logged in, nothing is displayed. [wc_product_dimensions] – Displays WooCommerce product dimensions. [wc_product_id] – Shortcode displays current WooCommerce product ID. [wc_product_price_html] – Shortcode displays WooCommerce product full price with currency symbol. ✅ More We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins! If you wish to contribute, join in on our GitHub repository. Visit plugin site.