Wordpress plugins
Bitcoin Payments

Bitcoin Payments

Version : 1.4.2
Tested up to : 3.9.20
Number of download : 1865
Author : James Turner
Average rating : 3 / 5 on 2 votes 2 votes, 3 avg.rating


Bitcoin Payments
Bitcoin Payments
Bitcoin Payments
Bitcoin Payments

Use Shortcodes and Widgets to advertise your cryptocurrency (bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin) address on your blog. Display the address and or QRCode. Use your default address or individual addresses per Shortcode or Widget. You can put multiple addresses for different cryptocurrencies on the one or many pages. This is not a shopping cart plugin. Sorry, maybe in the future it can be expanded upon. You insert custom addresses so you can keep track of which content is bringing you the best return. For example, each post you write, you could create a new address and then when you add a shortcode to the post, you can insert the custom address. This plugin currently does not require a 3rd party account to use it. This plugin currently does not support a 3rd party account if you want to use it. Future Ideas Better management of many addresses Use a coin image and a jQuery popup box to show address information Thank You Addresses bitcoin: 17Xvz6QzceYfD5MW8hwup1Nr4wTnEY8fV2 litecoin: Lb6LETF1RyvEBvhEekNEUFR7oj19XeZRWh dogecoin: DTgguHQ7wht2oRoHD2haduV6QKsaxdSdfn

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