Wordpress plugins


Version : 1.3.9
Tested up to : 4.6.7
Number of download : 589988
Author : Kieran O'Shea
Average rating : 3.5 / 5 on 21 votes 21 votes, 3.5 avg.rating



A simple but effective Calendar plugin for WordPress that allows you to manage your events and appointments and display them to the world on your website. Features: Monthly view of events Mouse-over details for each event Events can have a timestamp (optional) Events can display their author (optional) Events can span more than one day Multiple events per day possible Events can repeat on a weekly, monthly (set numerical day), monthly (set textual day) or yearly basis Repeats can occur indefinitely or a limited number of times Easy to use events manager in admin dashboard Sidebar function/Widget to show todays events Sidebar function/Widget to show upcoming events Lists of todays events can be displayed in posts or pages Lists of upcoming events can be displayed in posts or pages Comprehensive options panel for admin Modifiable CSS using the options panel Optional drop down boxes to quickly change month and year User groups other than admin can be permitted to manage events Events can be placed into categories A calendar of events for just one of more categories can be displayed Categories system can be switched on or off Pop up javascript calendars help the choosing of dates Events can be links pointing to a location of your choice Full internationalisation is possible Comaptible with WordPress MU iCalendar feed of events can be made accessible

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