Wordpress plugins
Collapsing Archives

Collapsing Archives

Version : 2.0.5
Tested up to : 4.8.2
Number of download : 90852
Author : Robert Felty


Collapsing Archives
Collapsing Archives
Collapsing Archives
Collapsing Archives

This is a relatively simple plugin that uses Javascript to make the Archive links in the sidebar collapsable by year and/or month. Demo I use this plugin in my blog at http://blog.robfelty.com OPTIONS AND CONFIGURATIONS $defaults=array( 'noTitle' => '', 'inExcludeCat' => 'exclude', 'inExcludeCats' => '', 'inExcludeYear' => 'exclude', 'inExcludeYears' => '', 'sort' => 'DESC', 'showPages' => false, 'linkToArch' => true, 'showYearCount' => true, 'expandCurrentYear' => true, 'expandMonths' => true, 'expandYears' => true, 'expandCurrentMonth' => true, 'showMonthCount' => true, 'showPostTitle' => true, 'expand' => '0', 'showPostDate' => false, 'postDateFormat' => 'm/d', 'postDateAppenc' => 'after', 'accordion' => 0, 'postTitleLength' => '', 'post_type' => 'post', 'debug' => '0', ); noTitle If your posts don’t have title, specify a string to show in place of the title inExcludeCat Whether to include or exclude certain categories ‘exclude’ (default) ‘include’ inExcludeCats The categories which should be included or excluded inExcludeYear Whether to include or exclude certain years ‘exclude’ (default) ‘include’ inExcludeYears The years which should be included or excluded showPages Whether or not to include pages as well as posts. Default if false showYearCount When true, the number of posts in the year will be shown in parentheses showMonthCount When true, the number of posts in the month will be shown in parentheses linkToArch 1 (true), clicking on a the month or year will link to the archive (default) 0 (false), clicking on a month or year expands and collapses sort Whether posts should be sorted in chronological or reverse chronological order. Possible values: ‘DESC’ reverse chronological order (default) ‘ASC’ chronological order expand The symbols to be used to mark expanding and collapsing. Possible values: ‘0’ Triangles (default) ‘1’ + – ‘2’ [+] [-] ‘3’ images (you can upload your own if you wish) ‘4’ custom symbols customExpand If you have selected ‘4’ for the expand option, this character will be used to mark expandable link categories customCollapse If you have selected ‘4’ for the expand option, this character will be used to mark collapsible link categories expandYears 1 (true): Years collapse and expand to show months (default) 0 (false): Only links to yearly archives are shown expandMonths 1 (true): Months collapse and expand to show posts (default) 0 (false): Only links to yearly and monthly archives are shown expandCurrentMonth When true, the current month will be expanded by default expandCurrentYear When true, the current year will be expanded by default showPostTitle 1 (true): The title of each post is shown (default) showPostDate 1 (true): Show the date of each post postDateFormat The format in which the date should be shown (default: ‘m/d’) postDateAppend after: The post date comes after the title (default) before: The post date comes before the title postTitleLength Truncate post titles to this number of characters (default: 0 = don’t truncate) post_type post (default) page all (includes regular post types plus any custom post types – excludes pages, revisions, wp_nav_items, and attachments) custom post type that you have registered (e.g. recipe) accordion When set to true, expanding one year will collapse all other years. Expanding one month will collapse all other months in that year number If using manually with more than one instance on a page, you can give unique ids to each instance with this option. For example, if you had one instance with number 1 and another with number 2, the ul for March 2004 for number 1 would have an id of ‘collapsArch-2004-3:1’, while the id for number 2 would be ‘collapsArch-2004-3:2’ debug When set to true, extra debugging information will be displayed in the underlying code of your page (but not visible from the browser). Use this option if you are having problems Examples collapsArch('accordion=1&sort=ASC&expand=3&inExcludeCat=exclude&inExcludeCats=general,uncategorized') This will produce a list with: * accordion style expanding and collapsing * shown in chronological order * using images to mark collapsing and expanding * exclude posts from the categories general and uncategorized collapsArch('post_type=recipe') This will produce a list with: * only posts of type ‘recipe’ * shown in chronological order * using images to mark collapsing and expanding * exclude posts from the categories general and uncategorized CAVEAT This plugin relies on Javascript, but does degrade gracefully if it is not present/enabled to show all of the archive links as usual.

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