Wordpress plugins
Commons Booking

Commons Booking

Version :
Tested up to : 5.4.2
Number of download : 1139
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 2 votes 2 votes, 5 avg.rating


Commons Booking
Commons Booking
Commons Booking
Commons Booking

This plugin gives associations, groups and individuals the ability to share items (e.g. cargobikes, tools) with users. It is based on the idea of Commons and sharing resources for the benefit of the community. It was developed for the “commons cargo bike” movement across Germany and Austria, but it can use it for any kind items. Note: Commons Booking 2.0 is in development! Unique features: Items, locations and timeframes: No need for a “centralised storage”, items can be assigned to different locations for the duration of a timeframe, each with their own contact information. Simple booking process: A booking is at least one full day, just pick the date on the calendar. Auto-accept bookings: A registered user can book items without the need for administration. Codes: The plugin automatically generates booking codes, which are used at the station to validate the booking. Users can leave booking comments (e.g. what they use the item for). Use cases: You/your associations owns special tools that are not in use every day, and you want to make them available to a local group. You own a cargo bike that you want to share with the community, and it will be placed at different locations throughout the year. Plugin websites Official Website (German) Bug-Tracker Bulletin Board (German) Commons Booking 2.0 development

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