There’s no shortage of plugins that promise to be THE all-in-one solution for all things SEO. Unfortunately, this often means lack of flexibility, confusing implementation, or just a big, bloated plugin that carries way too many features for your needs. This plugin is built on an alternative philosophy: do one thing and one thing well. Complete Open Graph provides automatic, comprehensive, just-makes-sense Open Graph management, whether it’s for a simple blog or a complex site with diverse sets of content. Out of the box, Complete Open Graph generates all the basic tags your site should have, making it ready for social sharing on platforms including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+, and gives you full programmatic access to filter this data as you need. TL;DR: This plugin does Open Graph. Freaking good Open Graph. Using the Plugin Upon activation, Complete Open Graph is ready to generate Open Graph meta tags, with an intuitive set of fallbacks in place. Literally no configuration is required to begin making your site socially shareable. Available Fields On each page and post, the following fields are automatically generated, based on available page data. Many of these can be manually set at the page/post level. og:site_name og:locale og:type og:title og:url og:description og:image og:image:width og:image:height twitter:card twitter:creator twitter:title twitter:description twitter:image twitter:url twitter:site profile:first_name (Currently only displayed on individual author pages.) profile:last_name (Currently only displayed on individual author pages.) Default Settings As a fallback for values that aren’t filled automatically by a page or post, you can set default values for Open Graph data. If desired, you can force these individual values to be used globally, overriding whatever is set at a page/post level. You’re able to force individual fields, or force all of them at once. og:type og:title og:image og:image:width og:image:height og:description twitter:card twitter:description twitter:creator twitter:site fb:admins fb:app_id Filters The complete_open_graph_all_data filter allows the customization of the entire set of Open Graph values, as well as the addition of new meta tags (including those that aren’t Open Graph). Example for customizing out-of-the-box Open Graph data: function modify_open_graph_data($data) { $data['og:site_name']['value'] = 'whatevs'; return $data; } add_filter('complete_open_graph_all_data', 'modify_open_graph_data'); Example for adding a standard, old meta tag: function add_new_open_graph_fields($data) { $data['keywords']['attribute'] = 'name'; $data['keywords']['value'] = 'keyword1,keyword2,keyword3'; return $data; } add_filter('complete_open_graph_all_data', 'add_new_open_graph_fields'); The complete_open_graph_processed_value filter allows you to modify a single field after it’s gone through the progression of priorities. For that reason, it will only be effective on the following fields: og:description og:title og:type og:image twitter:card twitter:title twitter:image twitter:description twitter:creator Example for manipulating a processed value: function manipulate_processed_value($value, $field_name) { if($field_name === 'og:description') { return 'WHATEVER I WANT.'; } return $value; } add_filter('complete_open_graph_processed_value', 'manipulate_processed_value', 10, 2); The complete_open_graph_{$tagName} filter allows you to modify a single field by identifying it by name and returning a modified value. These names are the “name” or “property” attributes on the meta tags. See “Available Fields” above for these names. Example for manipulating a single value by name: function modify_title($value, $field_name) { return 'My Newly Modified Title!' } add_filter('complete_open_graph_og:title', 'modify_title', 10, 2); The complete_open_graph_maybe_enable filter allows you to disable tag generation altogether by returning a boolean. Example for disabling generation altogether: add_filter('complete_open_graph_maybe_enable', '__return_false'); Example for disabling generation on a specific page: add_filter('complete_open_graph_maybe_enable', function ($maybeEnable) { global $post; if($post->post_name === 'my-page') { return false; } return $maybeEnable; }); Order of Priority There’s a fallback system set in place for you to effectively leverage this plugin. Below is the order of priority: Filters – Any filters you apply in your code will take priority over any fields you have filled in the admin. Forced Global Settings – If you’ve checked the box on these fields on the settings page, they’ll override everything non-filtered. Post/Page COG Fields – Filling out the meta box fields on a page or post in the WordPress Admin will give it priority over any default settings (unless they’re forced). Post/Page Content – If no specific COG fields on the post/page are set, the post/page content itself will be used. For the Open Graph description, the excerpt will be respected if it’s filled. Default COG Settings – Next, the default COG global settings will used to populate Open Graph tags. Blog Info – When nothing else is overriding them, Open Graph fields will default to your general WordPress site settings. After flowing through this order of priority, if there is still no content to be pulled, those respective Open Graph tags will not be generated. So, don’t worry about having extra, useless tags just sitting there in your markup. Feedback You like it? Email or tweet me. You hate it? Email or tweet me. Regardless of how you feel, your review would be greatly appreciated!