Wordpress plugins
Cr3ativ Conference

Cr3ativ Conference

Version : 1.4.1
Tested up to : 4.7.6
Number of download : 6173
Average rating : 4 / 5 on 5 votes 5 votes, 4 avg.rating


Cr3ativ Conference
Cr3ativ Conference
Cr3ativ Conference
Cr3ativ Conference

Easily add unlimited ‘sessions’ and assign ‘speakers’ and ‘session categories’ to your WordPress site for a single conference event. The plugin will tie a session to an unlimited number of speakers, along with relevant information such as date, start and end time, location of session (conference room B etc) and assign categories (as many as you’d like) and choose if you’d like to ‘highlight’ a session via a selection box. For your convenience, the plugin also contains a directory called language files, where you will find the mo/po files you may use for translation purposes. Here is the demo. Required Files Included in the templates directory are: template-cr3ativspeaker.php template-cr3ativconference.php taxonomy-cr3ativconfcategory.php single-cr3ativspeaker.php single-cr3ativconference.php You will need to upload all of the above templates in to your current theme’s directory. Creating a Single Speaker Click ‘Speakers’ and then from the top of the window click Add New and enter all relevant information including full regular content as you would normally in WordPress when creating a post or page. The post title will be the speakers name, the content will display as the ‘bio’ area for the speaker, the featured image is the ‘head shot’ of the speaker (we recommend you upload the same size images for all speakers for best appearance). Below the regular content area you should see a special area named ‘Speaker Data’ – if you do not see this then please click ‘Screen Options’ at the top of the screen and ensure everything is checked so you can see everything. You will see the following options: Speaker Title – title for the speaker such as CEO, COO, CTO Speaker Company URL – url for the company the speaker is associated with Speaker Company Name – company name the speaker is associated with Social Follow – this is a repeatable field. Upload an image for the social icon and enter the url, if you need to add another, just click the green + to add another social icon/social follow Click Publish. Creating a Single Session Click ‘Add New Session’ and enter all relevant information including full regular content as you would normally in WordPress when creating a post or page. The title of the post will be the title of the session. Below the regular content area you should see a special area named ‘Session Information’ – if you do not see this then please click ‘Screen Options’ at the top of the screen and ensure everything is checked so you can see everything. You will see the following options: Date – click to assign a date for this session Start Time – in the 24-hour clock format, please enter your start time of the event. The plugin requires this field to sort by the date and time of the event. If you do not put your time in a 24-hour clock format, the sorting for the session will be incorrect. Display Start Time – If you do not want to ‘display’ the 24-hour clock format from above, you can enter what you wish here. The plugin will still use the above for sorting, but for displaying will look to this field first, if this field is empty, the plugin will output the above 24-hour clock start time. End Time – in the 24-hour clock format, please enter your start time of the event. The plugin requires this field to sort by the date and time of the event. If you do not put your time in a 24-hour clock format, the sorting for the session will be incorrect. Display End Time – If you do not want to ‘display’ the 24-hour clock format from above, you can enter what you wish here. For displaying the end time, the plugin will look to this field first, if this field is empty, the plugin will output the above 24-hour clock end time. Location – this is just a text field, enter the location (for example: Building A or Cafe C), whatever you enter here will display. Speaker – this box will display any and all speakers you have created, you can use your shift key or control key on your keyboard to select multiple speakers. Highlight Style – this will place a background color around the session (for example if you wanted to highlight ‘lunch’ you would create a session called lunch and click this field). On the right of the screen you will see a new box named ‘Session Category’ – this is used to categorize your session easily – an example being Workshop, Q & A, Networking etc – either choose an existing category or create a new one for it to be assigned. If you wish to display an image for each session simply upload, or choose from media, the Featured Image. We recommend that you ensure all featured images for sessions are created the same size for a uniformed appearance. Click Publish and create any and all further sessions. Creating a Session Index page Navigate to your WordPress admin > Pages and Add New Give your page a title such as Meetings or Sessions etc You may also add regular content as normal that will appear above the sessions. Choose ‘Cr3ativ-Conference’ template from the right side of the page in the box titled ‘Page Attributes > Template’. This template is specifically coded to display all sessions to a page (and their relevant information) that you can easily later add to your menu. Click Publish and add this to your menu if your theme does not automatically add new pages to your site-wide menu system. Creating a Speaker Index page Navigate to your WordPress admin > Pages and Add New Give your page a title such as ‘Speakers’ etc You may also add regular content as normal that will appear above the speaker listings. Choose ‘Cr3ativSpeaker’ template from the right side of the page in the box titled ‘Page Attributes > Template’. This template is specifically coded to display all speakers and their relevant information, that you can easily later add to your menu. Click Publish and add this to your menu if your theme does not automatically add new pages to your site-wide menu system. Creating a Index page for a Session Category Navigate to your WordPress admin menu and select ‘Appearance > Menus’. Look for the box on the left that is titled ‘Session Category’ – this lists all the sessions you have created under this particular session category and therefore simply click ‘Add to Menu’ to display all sessions on a per category basis. Adding a single Session to your menu Navigate to your WordPress admin menu and select ‘Appearance > Menus’. Look for the box on the left that is titled ‘Sessions’ – this lists all the sessions you have published, simply click each session you want to show in your menu and then click ‘Add to Menu’. If you do not see ‘Sessions’ then click ‘Screen Options’ and check all options to ensure it is displayed for you. Adding a single Speaker to your menu Navigate to your WordPress admin menu and select ‘Appearance > Menus’. Look for the box on the left that is titled ‘Speakers’ – this lists all the speakers you have published, simply click each speaker you want to show in your menu and then click ‘Add to Menu’. If you do not see ‘Speakers’ then click ‘Screen Options’ and check all options to ensure it is displayed for you. Styling Styling for these page templates are included in the includes directory under : /includes/css/cr3ativconference.css

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