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Dealers And Branches

Dealers And Branches

Version : 2018.1.0
Tested up to : 4.7.11
Number of download : 8
Author : Caglar ORHAN
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating


Dealers And Branches
Dealers And Branches
Dealers And Branches
Dealers And Branches

Dealers and Branches (DnB) coded for whom may need a list of own dealers or branches of any kind of bussiness. How to create shortcode? Parts of ShortCode Name: dnb_list (static name, not changable) title: any title you want tableCaptions: table captions (columns) and other properties of columns Sample ShortCode [ dnb_list title="Title of Table" tableCaptions=" {'thWidthPercentage':20,'arrayNumbersOfFields':'1','columnCaption':'Caption of Column','isSortable':true,'sortTypeDefaultIs_Asc':true}, {'thWidthPercentage':20,'arrayNumbersOfFields':'1','columnCaption':'Caption of Column','isSortable':true,'sortTypeDefaultIs_Asc':false}, {'thWidthPercentage':10,'arrayNumbersOfFields':'2','columnCaption':'Caption of Column','isSortable':true,'sortTypeDefaultIs_Asc':true}, {'thWidthPercentage':50,'arrayNumbersOfFields':'9,1,3','columnCaption':'Caption of Column','isSortable':true,'sortTypeDefaultIs_Asc':true} " jsVars="{'recordsPerpage':5, 'pagingPosition':'A'}" searchTitle="Search" searchOnlyIn="1,2,3,9" filteringTitle="Filtered By:" filteringArrayNumberOfField=10 ]<h3>Elements of a ShortCode</h3>dnb_list: name of short code and you can not change it tableCaptions : every parameters and arguments setting in this element. Every object in tableCaptions are represents a column. Inside the column object you can adjust * thWidthPercentage (width of solumn), * arrayNumbersOfFields (choose the related database tables column from the list of $arrayOfFields section below, * columnCaption (caption of the column of table, * isSortable (if column captions click sorts fields ascendens or descendens), * sortTypeDefaultIs_Asc (if first click sorting asc or desc, true and default is ASC) jsVars: At this object properties are adjusting some javascript variables by default. * recordsPerpage (count of records per page) * pagingPosition (adjusting the position of paging navigation buttons) searchOnlyIn: Choosing searchable fields numbers from the list of $arrayOfFields section below, this is comma separated list. filteringTitle: Tell user to use filter on which field of data. filteringArrayNumberOfField: Choose a field to make a select filter from the list of $arrayOfFields section below. Array Numbers of Fields Array List of fields from database table. Read only list can be use in every corner of shortcode. $arrayOfFields=array( 0=>’dnb.id’, 1=>’dnb.dnb_name’, 2=>’dnb.dnb_parent_id’, 3=>’dnb.dnb_type’, 4=>’dnb.dnb_phone’, 5=>’dnb.dnb_fax’, 7=>’dnb.dnb_email’, 8=>’dnb.dnb_webpage_url’, 9=>’dnb.dnb_street_name’, 10=>’dnb.dnb_city_name’, 11=>’dnb.dnb_county_name’, 12=>’dnb.dnb_district_name’, 13=>’dnb.dnb_province_name’, 14=>’dnb.dnb_state_name’, 15=>’dnb.dnb_apartment_name’, 16=>’dnb.dnb_country_name’, 17=>’dnb.dnb_postal_code’, 18=>’dnb.dnb_door_no’, 19=>’dnb.dnb_note’, 20=>’dnb2.dnb_name’ );

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