Wordpress plugins
Easy Filtering

Easy Filtering

Version : 2.5.0
Tested up to : 5.2.4
Number of download : 10
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating


Easy Filtering
Easy Filtering
Easy Filtering
Easy Filtering

This plugin filters posts or custom posts by terms/categories of a selected taxonomy/category: Select post type, taxonomy, term. Chosse number to posts to show, show/hide empty terms, show/hide order selection. You can select if you want a search in your filter or not. You can choose the way to show the filter (tabs or selection). You can customize the filter page, filters and cards, moving the files to your theme. You can select no pagination, usual pagination, Load More or Load Infinite. You can select the way and the parameter to order your post list (id, title, date, author, random). You generate a shortcode that can be added easily in your page with a new button added in the Wp editor. Added a card generator to design the way we show every item in the list Filter by more than one taxonomy. For this reason, we have changed some db structure and you need to re-create the filters you made. Sorry for the inconvenience Now, you can use the plugin as a post list, without filtering, but using the other features.

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