Lazy load images, videos, iframes and audios to improve page load times. Uses jQuery.sonar to only load an element when it’s visible in the viewport. Easy Lazy Loader is the most fully featured, incredibly easy to set up lazy load plugin for WordPress. Use the plugins admin settings to easily define what elements are lazy loaded and when they become visible in the users browser. You can also lazy load other images, iframes, videos and audios in your theme, by using a simple filter. Non-javascript visitors gets the original element in noscript. Compatible with the RICG Responsive Images plugin for responsive images. IMAGE LAZY LOAD Images are the number one element that slows page load and increases bandwidth use. Easy Lazy Loader works with the responsive images feature introduced in WordPress 4.4. VIDEO LAZY LOAD Easy Lazy Loader supports all WordPress video Embeds including Youtube, Vimeo and HTML5 video – for a full list see the WordPress Codex Embeds list. The WordPress embed method of copying and pasting the video url into posts and pages content area is fully supported. AUDIO LAZY LOAD Easy Lazy Loader supports all WordPress audio Embeds including SoundCloud, Spotify and HTML5 audio – for a full list see the WordPress Codex Embeds list. The WordPress embed method of copying and pasting the audio url into posts and pages content area is fully supported. iFRAME LAZY LOAD Easy Lazy Loader has built in support for content that is added by iframe from any source in content and widgets examples WordPress embedded media Facebook Like boxes with profiles, Like buttons, Recommend Google+ Profile Google Maps PLACEHOLDERS Several strategies to fill the area of an image before it loads. Keeping the space empty for the image: In a world of responsive design, this prevents content from jumping around. Those layout changes are bad from a user’s experience point of view, but also for performance. The browser is forced to do layout re calculations every time it fetches the dimensions of an image, leaving space for it. Placeholder: Imagine that we are displaying a user’s profile image. We might want to display a silhouette in the background. This is shown while the main image is loaded, but also when that request failed or when the user didn’t set any profile picture at all. These images are usually vector-based, and due to their small size are a good candidate to be inlined. Solid colour: Take a colour from the image and use it as the background colour for the placeholder. This can be the dominant colour, the most vibrant… The idea is that it is based on the image you are loading and should help making the transition between no image to image loaded smoother. Blurry image: Also called blur-up technique. You render a tiny version of the image and then transition to the full one. The initial image is tiny both in pixels and kBs. To remove artifacts the image is scaled up and blurred. PLUGIN COMPATIBILITY Work with any WordPress theme that follows the WordPress Theme Codex Fully compatible with WPTouch plugin Fully compatible with MobilePress plugin Fully compatible with WP-Print plugin Fully compatible with Opera Mini browser Will not conflict with any plugin that has lazy load built in Plugin Developers Easy Lazy Loader filter allows them to let lazy load apply to their plugin Tested 100% compatible with WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache plugins Tested 100% compatible with Amazon Cloudfront Fully compatible with CDN architecture. FEATURES Lazy load images, iframes, videos, and audios. Custom image placeholder. Low-res preview image placeholder. Color preview placeholder. Skip classes to ignore some elements by class name. Full support of jQueryMobile framework WordPress Multi site ready. Backend support for RTL display. Translation ready Localization Persian (fa_IR) – Hemn Chawroka (plugin author)