Wordpress plugins
Easy Responsive Shortcodes

Easy Responsive Shortcodes

Version : 1.0.1
Tested up to : 4.0.19
Number of download : 21054
Author : wpCMSdev
Average rating : 4.5 / 5 on 10 votes 10 votes, 4.5 avg.rating


Easy Responsive Shortcodes
Easy Responsive Shortcodes
Easy Responsive Shortcodes
Easy Responsive Shortcodes

This plugin provides a full set of easy-to-use shortcodes for creating columns, buttons, tabs, icons, and much more. It’s been designed especially for use in responsive themes, but should work fine in any theme, whether responsive or not. It’s also fully Retina-display ready, and search engine optimized. The plugin is designed to be fast, easy, and lightweight, and does not bring along any massive frameworks like Bootstrap that slow down your site. The plugin currently supports the following items, with more on the way: Accordion Alert Box Button Call-to-action Clear floats Columns Highlight Icon (via Font Awesome) Tabs Toggle The plugin includes the latest version of the complete Font Awesome icon set, so you can use any of the 470+ icons in buttons, titles, and anywhere in your theme that is shortcode-enabled. View a live demo: http://demos.wpcmsdev.com/easy-responsive-shortcodes/ We know that everyone wants the best possible search engine results for their site, so we’ve built this plugin with SEO in mind. For example, the tabs, toggles, and accordion items are output in the HTML markup using actual HTML headings, with the associated content right below each heading. This provides the most logical structure for your content, and yields the best search engine results. However, most other shortcode plugins output the titles grouped together in the page’s code as an HTML list, with the titles separate from the contents. That’s bad for SEO. Why should you have to experience an SEO penalty for using advanced features like tabs and accordions on your site? We’ve also been careful not to hide any content using display: none in the bundled CSS, which can have negative SEO effects as well. There will be an editor button added to your post editor toolbar, allowing you to quickly insert the example code of any of the shortcode elements into your editor window. Finally, we’ve included a LESS CSS source file, so if you’re into that type of thing, you can easily change the plugin’s colors to your liking merely by adjusting a few LESS variables and re-compiling. We’d love to hear your feedback. Let us know what you think! Also be sure to sign up for our email newsletter at wpcmsdev.com. If you’re a theme developer, we’ve made it simple for you to integrate this plugin into your theme, and style it to match your theme’s look-and-feel. Just add theme support for the plugin (see below), and the plugin’s included CSS styles will be disabled, giving you as the developer complete stylistic control, without interference from the plugin’s CSS styles that would normally be active. To disable the plugin’s bundled CSS styles, add theme support for wpcmsdev-easy-responsive-shortcodes to your theme setup function: add_theme_support( 'wpcmsdev-easy-responsive-shortcodes' ); Also, if your theme already includes the Font Awesome icon set, you can indicate that by declaring support for it in your theme, in which case the plugin will not attempt to load its own bundled copy of Font Awesome in addition to yours. add_theme_support( 'font-awesome-icons' );

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