Wordpress plugins
Event Creator

Event Creator

Version : 1.0.5
Tested up to : 4.8.3
Number of download : 13
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating


Event Creator
Event Creator
Event Creator
Event Creator

Event Creator is an event management plugin to list chronological events and links them with venues, artists and dates. It is especially meant for theatres, artists. It allows you to link your WordPress page to Ticketteer (https://ticketteer.com) – an online ticket management system. This will sync events and dates and provide feedback about booking status of your events from Ticketteer. Features Events – Manage your events Dates – Add dates to events Venues – Manage venues and link them to dates Artists – Manage artists / ensembles / participants of your event and link them to it. Usage get_dates_query() loads dates (custom post type) into wordpress’ main loop. Example: `php Subtitle: Venue: Artist: ` get_the_event([$post_id]) - get an event to an according date post type. If no $post_id is passed, the_post() loop object will be used. get_the_venue([$post_id]) - get the associated venue for the date post type. If no $post_id is passed, the_post() loop object will be used. checking free tickets tt.checkDate(dateId) dateId: ticketteer_date_id You can get ticketteer_date_id by php-ing: get_date_field(‘ticketteer_date_id’, $date->ID); Example: tt.checkDate('5a0bf7e90b4aa10001fdc93f') .then(function(result){ // example: // { // '5a0bf7e90b4aa10001fdc93f': { // available: 5, // rest: 10, // } // } }); Rewrite /artists /events with your own paths RewriteRule ^kuenstler/(.*)$ /artists/$1 [NC,P,L]

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