Wordpress plugins
Photo Gallery by Supsystic

Photo Gallery by Supsystic

Version : 1.10.9
Tested up to : 4.8.2
Number of download : 658767
Author : supsystic.com
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 294 votes 294 votes, 5 avg.rating


Photo Gallery by Supsystic
Photo Gallery by Supsystic
Photo Gallery by Supsystic
Photo Gallery by Supsystic

Photo Gallery by Supsystic Responsive WordPress Image Gallery Photo Gallery Demo Grid Gallery FAQ and Documentation Grid Photo Gallery WordPress Plugin by Supsystic with a great number of layouts will help you to create quality respectable portfolios and image galleries. Unlimited photo gallery options allow to choose different designs and styles, which make your photo grid gallery attractive for users. Elegant photo gallery design optimized for mobile devices Fully customization image gallery styles such as shadow, border, caption and icons Horizontal, Vertical, Fixed and Mobile photo gallery layouts Add links, icons and HTML captions Post Feed Photo Gallery and Video Gallery (pro) Carousel Gallery Gallery with Paginations and Categories (pro) Watermark option Polaroid Gallery Full Width Gallery Mosaic Gallery Add Images to the Gallery from FTP and Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram and more) Excellent feature Caption builder to make captions for images Compatible with any WordPress Theme Image gallery plugin will help you to display images, videos and content for maximum effect on your blog or website. A photo gallery adds an instant professional touch to any WordPress website. But it doesn’t just enhance your sites looks, it also makes image management a breeze, by allowing bulk uploading and publishing. Image Gallery by Supsystic is an easy to use photo gallery plugin that allows you to add simply galleries to your website. The grid gallery plugin utilizes the WordPress media uploader for images and import images from Instagram, Facebook and other social networks. Whether you are showcasing images, video or HTML, this photo gallery will render them beautifully on any platform and any browser size. Variety of responsive image gallery effects and photo gallery slideshows to better manage and display your photos, screenshots, videos and other forms of image gallery on your site. Some incorporate gallery transition effects, fade-in, fade-out and other effects, as well as thumbnail views of the gallery for faster access, flexibility and ease-of-use to view your gallery in full all-out browser mode and small-sized smartphone screens. To make it easier for you to find the right gallery pick for your websites needs, we have put together a presets photo gallery templates you can choose them when create new gallery and later customize design. Photo Gallery by Supsystic Plugin Support If you have any problem or feature request for the Photo Gallery by Supsystic, please let us know! This guide helps you to provide the right information about your issue. Translate Photo Gallery by Supsystic to Your Language You have an incredible opportunity to get PRO version of the photo gallery for free. Just make translation of the Photo Gallery by Supsystic plugin! Arabic Language Chinese Czech Dutch English Finnish French French Canada Greek Italian Japanese Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Spanish Turkish Photo Gallery by Supsystic is a cornerstone of many websites today, allowing you to showcase photographs, screenshots, illustrations, videos and more with amazing gallery. A portfolio website without a gallery is like pizza without cheese. A gallery adds an instant professional touch to any website. But it doesn’t just enhance your site’s looks, it also makes gallery image management a breeze, by allowing bulk uploading and photo gallery publishing. Choose the best to suit your particular needs! The gallery by Supsystic available today have come a long way from a simple static image display tool. We offered wide range from animated effects, branding possibilities, inclusion of sub-galleries, social network accessibility, and much more. You can use a gallery or slider to feature your posts, and add slow motion effects, icons and post feed gallery. Don’t forget photo gallery with slideshow function. How to Create Photo Gallery in WordPress Step 1: Creating Responsive Grid Gallery On the left navigation menu click “New Photo Gallery”. Enter the name of photo grid gallery. Choose image gallery template. You have the ability to choose one of templates: Standard Image Gallery (with fixed grid). Vertical Photo Grid Gallery (without distance between images). Rounded Grid Gallery (with fixed grid and border option). Horizontal Image Gallery (with shadow option). Categories and Icons (PRO gallery template). Post Feed and Pagination (PRO gallery template). Post Feed Slide Up (PRO gallery template). Post Feed Description (PRO gallery template). Mozaic Gallery (PRO gallery template). Click “Save” button. On the next steps you can change the settings of photo gallery template. Step 2: Adding images to the Grid Photo Gallery With responsive photo gallery plugin you can import images from – WordPress Media Library Instagram Account Flickr Account (PRO gallery feature) Tumblr Account (PRO gallery feature) Facebook Account (PRO gallery feature) Click on “Add Images” gallery button Choose images from WordPress Media Library – mark those images that you like for the photo gallery. If there are no images that you need, click the Upload Files tab – here you can drop files anywhere to upload or select files from your computer to the gallery. Click on “Choose Image” gallery button. To manage or change properties of the photo gallery of images click “Image List” button. Here you can: change the order of photo gallery images – simply by dragging them manually; delete gallery photos; add new images from different sources to the grid gallery – click “Add Images” button and select source to import from; add caption to photo gallery image – it will be displayed on the gallery images caption effect of the photo gallery; add SEO photo gallery – tags for search requests; attach links to gallery image – it will go to the link when you click the gallery image; add video to the gallery – it will be displayed in a pop-up image when you click on a gallery picture; add tags for gallery image categories. Step3: Editing of Photo Gallery settings To get back to the settings of gallery – click “Properties” button. Here you can change default options of photo gallery template. Simply navigate the corresponding tab of gallery properties – Main, Captions, Categories and Posts of the photo gallery. Important! After changing the settings of gallery don’t forget to click “Save” button. 1. Main tab of the photo gallery 1.1. Photo Gallery Type – here you can: choose the type of photo gallery – there are 5 gallery types: Fixed, Horizontal, Vertical, Fixed Column and Mozaic (Available in PRO); set the distance between photo gallery images; set the width of the responsive image gallery; set the width and height of gallery images; set the radius for picture – thanks to this option will turn out wonderful rounded or circular galleries. All the values of these gallery options, except for images distance, can be set in pixels or in percent. Gallery images distance set only in pixels. 1.2. Image Gallery border type – here you have the opportunity: select 8 different types of photo gallery border – Solid, Dotted, Dashed, Double, Groove, Ridge, Inset, Outset; select the colour of border for images; define the image border width. This gallery option can be disabled. Simply select value – “None” for Border Type. 1.3. Photo Shadow Activate “Available” radio button to see the settings of this gallery option. Shadow option of photo Gallery by Supsystic allows you: show the shadow when mouse is over the gallery image. there are two types of this option: show / hide the shadow when mouse is on picture; overlay image with shadow ; choose the colour of image shadow; set the image gallery shadow blur in percent; specify the offset of the gallery shadow by X and Y. 1.4. Pop-up Gallery Image: choose the “Big Image” gallery theme for popup image of grid gallery – to do this you need simply click a “Choose theme” button and select one of the popup gallery themes. One of the themes include the gallery navigation control with thumbnails of images, which is much simplify and speed up access to all gallery images of the photo gallery. select the transition of popup gallery image – Fade, Elastic, None. enable the gallery slideshow option – you need activate “Available” radio button to see the settings of this option. here you can set speed of slideshow and activate slideshow autostart. If you activate it – slideshow starts when big image open in popup, if don’t – you have the ability to start gallery slideshow whenever you want. In any case, on the big image will be slideshow controls. 2. Image Gallery Captions Tab 2.1. Captions – this option contains such features as: a huge variety of gallery caption effects. Simply click “Choose effect” button and select the overlay effect the ability to choose background colour of caption text colour of caption photo gallery the ability to set the level of transparency for caption option the ability to specify the font size of the text. (in pixels, percent, ems) the ability to choose the text alignment of caption – left, center, right, auto. 2.2. Icons – show amazing icons on the images with different gallery options. There are several types of gallery icons, it all depends on what exactly is attached to the picture – link, video on the gallery images select the effect for animation of gallery icons – you need to click ”Animation” button and choose the effect photo gallery select the gallery icons color select the gallery icons hover color – colour of the gallery icon when mouse is over choose the image gallery background colour for icons choose the photo gallery background hover colour for icons set the size of photo gallery icons set the distance between gallery icons enable the overlay gallery effect – image will fade under the overlay set the colour and level of transparency for overlay effect of gallery icons You have the opportunity to enable photo gallery Captions and Icons options at the same time, but then you can not choose caption effect for gallery. “Appear” effect always will be by default. 3. Photo Gallery Categories Tab 3.1. Show slideshow gallery categories (PRO feature) – categorize images in the grid gallery. First you need to add tags for the gallery categories: 1. Click on “Images list”. 2. For each photo choose Categories tab. 3. Add a tag for all images. 4. Go back to the settings - click “Properties” button. Further activate “Available” radio button responsive photo gallery and definitely select the preset (without it categories not displayed). You have the ability to choose one of the default presets or create your own. In order to create the gallery preset click “Show preset editor” button. Provide a name for your photo gallery template and specify the settings that you need. Here you can: Select the background colour for gallery images and video container or hide it. Сontainer – the area where will be shown the categories of the image gallery. Select the background colour for gallery photos text or hide it. Select the colour of text or use colour, based on your theme. Set overall vertical and horizontal padding for the categories of image gallery. Set the font weight and size. Define the border width for the categories. Select gallery border type. Choose photo gallery border colour. Define image gallery border radius for the categories. After configuring the image gallery settings click “Save” button. Select your preset in the “Choose preset” dropdown box. Also Categories option includes such capabilities: Enable shuffling animation of gallery images. (If you enable posts layout on the Posts tab – this feature will not be available). Set the duration of animation (include video gallery). Define the position of categories – over or under the media gallery. Determine the alignment of gallery categories (video gallery or photo gallery). 3.2. Pagination (PRO feature) – make your image gallery easier to use with grid gallery wordpress plugin. At first you need to set the number of images per page and choose the preset. You can choose one of the default presets or create your own. In order to create the preset click “Show preset editor” button. Enter the name of your preset and specify the settings that you need. They are exactly the same as in the previous option. After configuring the settings click “Save” button. Select your preset in the “Choose preset” dropdown box. As well you have the opportunity: Set the position of gallery buttons – top or bottom of photo gallery Define the alignment of gallery pagination You can select only the one of these gallery two options (Categories or Pagination) for one gallery Pagination gallery option is not available, when is set vertical gallery type of photo gallery 4. Posts tab (PRO feature) – show posts and pages with Gallery by Supsystic! This tab is completely about the capabilities to display the posts and pages in the gallery. To activate the posts option – select “Enable” in Posts Layout dropdown list. Here you find such features as: the ability to choose one of gallery post layout styles – Fixed, Animated, Cover; the ability to add pages and posts to the polaroid gallery – simply select post / page from corresponding dropdown list and click “Add post” / “Add page” button – it will appear on the bottom of the page; the opportunity to choose gallery what to show on the posts layout in the gallery and what not to show – author of the post, date, contents and categories of the posts; the ability to delete a post or page from the grid gallery. Step 4: Photo gallery preview settings After you change some settings – with responsive photo gallery plugin, you can immediately see the result in a live preview in the left top corner. You have the ability to choose image for preview – simply click the “Choose gallery image for preview” button under the window of live preview. Live photo gallery preview allows you to view the setting of such features: Images gallery radius Border gallery option Shadow gallery option Caption gallery effect In order to see how the other gallery options of responsive image gallery look – you should to click on “Preview” button and will be able to see the whole gallery in a new tab of your browser. Step 5: Displaying the Photo Gallery on the website Under the gallery window with image preview you can see the shortcode of photo gallery. Copy and paste the shortcode into your post or page and Gallery by Supsystic plugin will automatically create the gallery on your page using the settings you choose above. Important! Photo gallery plugin shortcode must be added in a text editor page, and not in the visual. 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