Wordpress plugins
Kint Debugger

Kint Debugger

Version : 1.2
Tested up to : 4.8.2
Number of download : 11283


Kint Debugger
Kint Debugger
Kint Debugger
Kint Debugger

Kint Debugger is a simple wrapper for Kint, a debugging tool to output information about variables and traces in a styled, collapsible format that makes understanding deep arrays and objects easier. No more adding PRE tags before print_r or var_dump! Kint Debugger works well with the Debug Bar plugin by creating its own panel to display your debug results. Basic Usage <?php d( $var ); ?> Examples: <?php global $post; $term_list = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'my_taxonomy', array( 'fields' => 'all' ) ); d( $term_list ); ?> Kint Debugger also provides some helper functions for dumping variables that are frequently needed. dump_wp_query() dump_wp() dump_post() dump_this( $var, $inline = false ) – explained below Examples: <?php dump_post(); ?> <?php add_action( 'wp_head', 'dump_post' ); ?> Obviously, if this plugin is not active, calls to the helper functions will cause errors. Your Own Functions If you are dumping the same information in different places, consider writing your own helper functions in your theme’s functions file or an mu-plugin. For example: <?php function my_dump_terms() { global $post; $term_list = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'my_taxonomy', array( 'fields' => 'all' ) ); d( $term_list ); } ?> Then at strategic points in your theme or plugin: <?php my_dump_terms(); ?> With Debug Bar By default, when Debug Bar is installed and active, Kint Debugger will send d() output to its Debug Bar panel. To print debug output inline instead, as if Debug Bar was not active, declare the constant KINT_TO_DEBUG_BAR in your config.php (or really anywhere before your d() call): define( 'KINT_TO_DEBUG_BAR', false ); Or to print a specific dump inline, use a helper function with the parameter $inline. The generic dump_this() takes $inline as the second parameter. Examples: <?php dump_post( true ); ?> <?php global $post; $term_list = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'my_taxonomy', array( 'fields' => 'all' ) ); dump_this( $term_list , true ); ?> Kint Debugger overrides Kint’s d() function in order to buffer its output for Debug Bar. If you already have a modified d() function, you need to prevent the override in one of two ways. Move your modified d() function to an mu-plugin. Kint Debugger checks if the function exists before declaring it so putting yours in an mu-plugin is the only way to ensure it exists first. Declare KINT_TO_DEBUG_BAR as described above. Restricting Output To restrict visibility, use the kint_debug_display filter. For example, to prevent non-admins from seeing the debug output: add_filter( 'kint_debug_display', function( $allow ) { return is_super_admin(); } ); Try these plugins too What The File – Identify template files without fail. Debug This – Peek under the hood with sixty debugging reports just one click away.

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