Wordpress plugins
Largest Jackpots Feed

Largest Jackpots Feed

Version : 0.1
Tested up to : 5.1.1
Number of download : 5
Author : kuopassa
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating


Largest Jackpots Feed
Largest Jackpots Feed
Largest Jackpots Feed
Largest Jackpots Feed

Create one or more shortcodes like: [largest_jackpots_feed limit=”5″ offset=”0″ wraptag=”ol”] The shortcode can have currently the following attributes: limit offset wraptag Please note that: Attributes “limit” and “offset” are integers, and “wraptag” is a string. The smallest value for “limit” is 1, and largest is 10. For “offset” the smallest value is 0, and largest is 9. “wraptag” can either be “ol” (ordered list), or “ul” (unordered list). Each jackpot is wrapped in a “li” tag. The HTML created by a shortcode does not contain any CSS.

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