Lf Hiker is a plugin for quickly display your gpx tracks with their profile elevation on an interactive map. Lf Hiker is responsive and mobile friendly. Main Utilisation Simply upload your gpx file with the wordpress media manager, complete its informations and insert it in your post/page (shortcode). [lfh-gpx src=url_to_file.gpx color=darkgreen width=6]A trail in Cevennes[/lfh-gpx] Display the post/page : you have an interactive view of your track. The trail is displayed on an OSM map by default, and have its own information window with: title description interactive profile elevation according to path distance of the track maximum elevation minimum elevation elevation loss elevation gain trail duration download link of gpx file For more information go to Lf Hiker site Use Services OpenStreetMap an open map of the world Maps Stamen design map OpenTopoMap topographic map ArcGIS topographic map Libraries leaflet an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps leaflet-gpx a leaflet plugin for the analysis and parsing of a GPX track font-awesome for iconic font fontello for iconic font awesome-marker Colorful, iconic markers by Lennard Voogdt Shortcode Empty Paragraph little worpress plugin fix issue shortcode by Johann Heyne List of Features Lf Hiker allows displaying too: few gpx files in the same map markers on the map few maps on the same post/page For gpx track you can custom: title description stroke color stroke width display button download gpx file And only in shortcode: the elevation unit the distance unit the minimum step on elevation axis (in meter) Lf Hiker included an helper for edit map and add markers. You can choose for the map: the tiles layer ( among OSM, OSM_FR , stamen watercolor, arcgis world topo, mapquest with api key) to display the fullscreen button the map’s view or let lf Hiker find automatically the best view to display the reset button to display the button “list of layers” the size of the map classnames for the map ( including your custom class) to zoom on mousewheel to start with profile elevation displayed to display the description always under the map for the markers: color of icon marker symbol in the icon title popup visibility according to zoom or not independant window with large description You can do all this with the helpers or directly using shortcodes You can choose to unactive the helper. Lf Hiker allows you to customize the css in admin configuration (colors of information window, buttons and selected path) IMPORTANT If you think you found a bug in Lf Hiker or have any problem/question concerning the plugin, do not hesitate to contact me. Supported languages Français (fr_FR) English (en_US) Deutsch (de_DE) by Kristof Kling Greek (el) by Pol Gkitsas Dutch (nl-BE) Spanish (es-ES) by Miguel Angel If you need language of Lf Hiker which is not included. You can easily translate with poedit from the file : lf-hiker/languages/lfh-default.po. I will be happy, to add your translation to Lf Hiker. If you have any questions about the method, do not hesitate to contact me. If you find errors in my english translation do not hesitate to contact me. Minimum requirements WordPress 4.7.x PHP 5.6 MySQL 5.x