Any product consists of elements. Quite often the manufacturer allows you to select the components in advance. For this goal should be a visual questionnaire. This plugin helps simply define such a questionnaire. Important Plugin works for Twenty Fourteen theme. It will work for others too but some changes in a file /css/fixed.css can be needed. Settings & Explanations Price, captions, images can be changed in a configuration file /wp-content/plugins/lisette-cost-calculator/config/questionnaire.php. There may be any other name of a questionnaire file. In this case a new name should be set in a file lisette-cost-calculator.php $application = new LisetteCCApplication([ 'name' => 'questionnaire' ]); Any question can has an answer. Any answer can has: caption, image, value. If parameter value is a number, then it will be added to total sum. 'question' => 'Headboard', 'answers' => [ [ 'caption' => 'standard', 'image' => 'head-ordinary-2.jpg', 'value' => 500, ], [ 'caption' => 'design', 'image' => 'head-design-2.jpg', 'value' => 2550, ], ], If befor number symbol “*” placed, then it is a coefficient. 'question' => 'Age', 'answers' => [ [ 'caption' => 'Adult', 'image' => 'men.jpg', 'value' => '*1', ], [ 'caption' => 'Child', 'image' => 'child.jpg', 'value' => '*1.3', ], ], All images should be placed in a folder /wp-content/plugins/lisette-cost-calculator/img/. If caption too long add small parameter: 'question' => 'Model', 'answers' => [ [ 'caption' => 'with lifting mechanism', 'image' => 'with-lifting.jpg', 'value' => 230, 'small' => true, ], ], If parameter image is not specified, item will be printed without image. 'question' => 'Price class', 'answers' => [ ['caption' => 'econom', 'value' => '*1'], ['caption' => 'elite', 'value' => '*2'], ],