Mis Cursos LMS is a simple LMS plugin that helps manage courses, users, embedded videos, file downloads. tests and certificates. From the plugin you can create course pages with restricted content only for assigned users. You the assign course codes to users. You can use shortcodes to navigate videos courses with added chapters. You may integrate sales with Paypal. Vimeo videos can be editted from pages to add chapters. Review video logs for each user. User can achieve certificates for performed tests. Also, you can link email events to courses and obtain very complet logs from user usage, including which parts of videos are revieweb by users. Help Mis Cursos Plugin Help Major features include: Manage Courses and users selected users access course pages with restricted content like embedded Vimeo videos, files to download and Tests. Manage courses with assigned vimeo videos, files, email events, test and certificates. Manage subscriber users, with assigned courses, email and expiration date. List courses. Sort by number of videos, users, level and price. List users. Sort by active users, courses, last logged users Embed Vimeo Video content to courses with anotation chapters (cuepoint). Sell courses by Paypal to subscribers with Login. ( Requires additional plugin) Log automatically new users who pay by paypal. Manage Tests and Questions. Manage Certificates Manage Email Events. You can add email events to courses. Manage demo trial courses. File to download (restricted content). Register user login, download of files, performing test, viewing videos etc Review Vimeo video user logs. Review Tests and Questions Catalan, English, French and Spanish languages Manage courses. Create, Modify , View and Delete Courses. Each course has an access course code, name, url to the relevant page and a descriptive text. Use shortcodes to restrict acces to page content from unauthorized users and permit access to selected users. Courses are content protected by shortcode in pages created by the admin or directly by Mis Cursos plugin. Use the shortcode [mis_cursos curso=’codigo’] Here add the HTML content or shortcodes like: video, text and links, test shortcodes and file shortcodes [/mis_cursos] In order to show notices to NOT LOGGED users you may use the shortcode [mis_cursos_no_logueado] This content is shown to NO LOGGED users only [/mis_cursos_no_logueado]. The admin menu adds a course list. Manage users. Create, Modify , View and Delete Users. When a user is created, course codes can be added to his username that permit access to course contents. Course codes are shown in the user profile with links to access to course pages and contents. In addition, the plugin calculates the default Expiration Date as +365 days (setting) added to the current date of last course adquisition. Expiration Date may be modified later. You may not change the User but you may reassign the email, assigned courses and Expiration Date. After a ‘subscribed’ user logs, is redirected to the Initial Page (see My Course settings). In the Initial Page you may show the User Profile , which grants access links to the course pages, and other general information that you want to make available to the user. The admin menu adds a users list. Add Vimeo video content to courses with chapters. You can use a shortcode to show videos on selected pages. Include video numbers, separated by commas and not the complete URL. Only Vimeo videos codes can be used for the moment. (We recommend to hide the video from Vimeo web and limit display to only your web.) [mis_cursos_videos video = ‘numero1, numero2, numero3’]. You can add identify subjects or chapters inside videos with cue points. You can follow Video Logs to follow susbcribers progression with videos. Sell courses by Paypal to subscribers with Login. .This plugin is compatible and requires with WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart if you want to sell and add subscribers automatically. If you use WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart you can link any sale by placing the same course CODE inside the selling data text. The email used to buy the course will receive an email from Paypal and an email from Mis Cursos Plugin with subscribing information. Sales section, permits to inform sales information as price, sales text, level, url page (to show detailed information of the course) and url image. For now there are three levels; basic, medium, advanced. The shortcode [mis_cursos_sales] , shows a list of course info on any page you place it. Courses are ordered by price, alphabetically or by level. You may keep some course on top page and choose which couses are hidden. (See Paypal section.) Manage test. Create, modify, view and delete tests and its questions. Include a Test in a Page use [mis_cursos_test test=’codigo’]. Test are created for courses but you may create any unrelated test too. Test results for couses appear in users profile. Tests can be New: includes downloadable PDF certificates integrated with Tests. As soon as all test for a certificate are completed and passed by user, the user can see a download button for its own PDF certificate with its pass marks and name. Certificates can include a logo for footer and header, color background and can include some html text. You can create and edit as many certificates as you need. Manage demo trial courses. There is a shortcode for demo courses and also for a form for users to susbcribe to a free demo trial course for a short time (24,48, 72 hours trial). The plugin susbtitutes all videos (except the first video) for a susbtitute video of your own. Restricted File download. Logged users can download files from a not web accessible path. The selected files will be downloaded as single files or a zipped bundle. The files can not be reached by the web path. Only logged users can download the files Manage Email Events. You may assign one or more email events to any course. Those email events are assigned to users. Users will receive emails on preassigned days. From release 3.3 there is a new Register functionality that. Registers time and date of User login and loggout, Video display, Download files and some more. From release 3.3 there is a new User Management functionality to mass delete old users. You select by courses and dates (at least older than one year). From release 3.3.3 Privacy is completed. Admins can send privacy information to users Un-Installation This plugin creates several tables in WordPress all of them begin with Wordpess prefix followed by “mis-cursos”. If you uninstall the plugin you can just leave them or drop them using phpMyadmin/ Adminer. (If you have many users or heavy use you may need to delete contents from “mis_cursos_logs” table periodically.) Aditionally all subscribers have data in users database and metadata database. Has settings in options database also but it will do no harm. Creates also a type post ‘mis_cursos_certifica’ which you may delete after deactivating Example Shortcode examples