Wordpress plugins
Modern Media Tweet Shortcode

Modern Media Tweet Shortcode

Version : 1.0.1
Tested up to : 3.2.1
Number of download : 1800
Author : Chris Carson
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating


Modern Media Tweet Shortcode
Modern Media Tweet Shortcode
Modern Media Tweet Shortcode
Modern Media Tweet Shortcode

This plugin adds a ‘tweet’ shortcode to embed tweets using Twitter’s shortcode format, for example: [tweet https://twitter.com/OnionSports/status/145262716104351747 ] The plugin uses Twitter’s statuses/oembed API endpoint to retrieve embedded tweets identified by the id at the end of the url in the shortcode parameter It caches retrieved tweets on the server to minimize API usage. Optionally, it adds the necessary javascript from Twitter in document <head>. Allows you to control the width of the embedded tweet. Fixes a clear:both; issue in Twitter’s CSS. Tweet functionality (e.g., retweet and follow buttons) can be displayed in multiple languages.

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