Wordpress plugins
Network Posts Extended

Network Posts Extended

Version : 0.3.7
Tested up to :
Number of download : 5834
Author : John Cardell
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 10 votes 10 votes, 5 avg.rating


Network Posts Extended
Network Posts Extended
Network Posts Extended
Network Posts Extended

The plugin is designed to share posts, pages, and custom post types from across entire network on any given page for any subdomain and the main blog. You may list them in single or double column mode. Add custom css styling to your text, images, whole container and title. You can specify categories and tags. All posts will be shown in ascending and descending order by date or post ID. You can specify how old (in days) the collected posts may be. Also you can specify how many posts should be displayed from each blog. You can set thumbnails image size and style or disable them. You may also include or exclude posts, pages, categories, and blogs by using the appropriate arguments. They’re all listed at the end of this file. List of Arguments Network Posts Extended Shortcodes and Arguments [netsposts include_blog=”1,2,5″ days=”30″ taxonomy=”news” titles_only=”false” show_author=”true” thumbnail=”true” size=”90,90″ image_class=”alignleft” auto_excerpt=”true” excerpt_length=”150″ show_author=”true” paginate=”true” list=”5″] /Including and/or Excluding pages, posts, categories, and blogs/ include_post – list of posts/pages that you want to include (example: include_post=”5″ or include_post=”5,8,153″ for multiple posts. exclude_post – list of posts/pages that you want to exclude (example: exclude_post=”5″ – exclude_post=”5,8,153″ include_blog – list of blogs, with the posts which will be displayed (default all blogs) exclude_blog – list of excluded blogs (default none) (works only if include_blogs argument is not present) filter_excerpt – The plugin will now process and show shortcodes in the excerpt field. Just set filter_excerpt=”true” ( Default: false ) taxonomy – list of categories to include in list. Default is all categories. Example: taxonomy=”books” or taxonomy=”digital-books,product,news” for multiple categories. Use slug of category for the taxonomy name. Miscellaneous show/hide arguments days – how old in days the post can be (default 0′ – no limit) Example: days=”10″ will only show the posts/pages which have been created within the last ten days. titles_only – if true shows titles only (default false) Example: titles_only=”true” will only show the titles. Not the image or excerpt. show_author – if true shows a posts author (default false) Example: show_author=”true” Thumbnails thumbnail – if true shows thumbnails (default false) Example: thumbnail=”true” size – size of thumbnail (width, height) (default thumbnail) Example: size=”50,50″ will show a thumbnail which has a size of 50px high and 50px wide. image_class – CSS class for image (default post–thumbnail) Example: image_class=”custom-image-class” Excerpts auto_excerpt – if true an excerpt will be taken from post content, if false a post excerpt (shows the short description in the excerpt box. Note you will need to use a plugin to show this box when creating pages instead of posts) will be used (default false). excerpt_length – the length of excerpt (in characters) (auto_excerpt should be true)(default 400′) Example: excerpt_length=”500″ will show the first 500 characters. manual_excerp_length – You can set the length of the manual excerpt. For example if someone has 500 words in the manual excerpt field it may be trimmed down to 400 like so: manual_excerpt_length=”400″ (defaul 9999) Listing Designs post_type – type of posts (default post) Example: post_type=”page” will show pages not posts in the list. To show posts either don’t include this argument (since posts are default) or use post_type=”post”. Now works with custom post types. So you may add post_type=”mycustomposttype”. full_text – full text instead of excerpt (default false) Example: full_text=”true” will show entire text in content field in list. Showing Date date_format – format of the post date (default n/j/Y). Example this will show January 2 1963 for example. If you would like to show the date first just use: date_format=”j/n/Y”. Custom HTML wrap_start, wrap_end – you can wrap the posts for example: (wrap_start=”<div style=’font–weight:bold;vertical–align:middle;’ class=’myclass’>” wrap_end=”</div>”) wrap_title_start,wrap_title_end – wrap_image_start,wrap_image_end – wrap_text_start,wrap_text_end wrap_excerpt_container_start=””,wrap_excerpt_container_end=”” . Use the same way as wrap_start,wrap_end above. But will only wrap given argument. page_title_style – style for the page title (default: none) Example: page_title_style=”italic” will make the title italic. For bold you may use: page_title_style=”bold” for italic and bold use: page_title_style=”italic,bold” Miscellaneous List Arguments – Pagination Links and Order Post/Page by Properties end_size – how many numbers on either the start and the end list edges (used for pagination) Example: end_size=”3″ will show the first and last three pages as links in numerical form. mid_size – how many numbers to either side of current page, but not including current page (used for pagination) order_by – Sort in ascending (default value) and descending order via the following arguments – Ascending: order_post_by=’alphabetical_order’ order_post_by=’date_order’ order_post_by=’page_order’ and descending: order_post_by=’alphabetical_order desc’ order_post_by=’date_order desc’ order_post_by=’page_order desc’ (note: descending must be surrounded by single or double quotes because of the empty space after page_order Pagination – When list is to have multiple pages paginate – if true the result will be paginated (default false) Example: paginate=”true” will break the list in to multiple pages by the list argument. list – how many posts per page (default 10) Example: list=”20″ will show the last 20 posts or pages. If paginate=”true” is used above then will break the list in to pages showing 20 posts or pages on each page. prev_next – Whether to include the previous and next links in the list or not (used for pagination. Default: true) prev – the previous page link text. Works only if prev_next argument is set to true. (Default: « Previous) next – The next page text. Works only if prev_next argument is set to true. Example: next=”New Posts” will replace the default – Next – with – New Posts. (Default: Next ») random – Set to true to show posts randomly. To show an x amount of posts randomly make sure the list argument is set to the amount you want. (Default: set to false) Custom Arguments Titles title – custom title (default: none) Example: title=”Joe’s Favorite Bicycles” title_color – Color of the title text. Example: title_color=”red” or title=”color:#ff0000″ both will give you a color of red. (Default black) title_length – Cuts off the title at X amount of characters so won’t make long wrap around which looks ugly. The length is in characters including spaces and symbols (Default 999) include_link_title – This will now make all titles clickable (default false). If you want the titles to also link to the post or page set this argument to true. Example: include_link_title=”true” exclude_link_title – This will exclude certain posts/pages from the title being clickable. For example if you don’t want the title to link to posts 8,45,47 you would use: exclude_link_title_posts=”8,45,47″ Custom Column Designs column – number of columns (default: 1) column_width – Width of column in pixels. Example column_width=”250″. (Default: 200) post_height – Sets the default height for all posts. Recommended for 2 column mode. For example if manual_excerpt_length=”400″ or excerpt_length=”400″ and you want posts with less of an excerpt to have same dimensions use this feature. post_height=”300″ will give a standard height of 300 pixels. So if post has less characters of text will still keep square shape so titles line up nicely. meta_info – Example: meta_info=”false” (Default ‘true’) meta_length – Example: meta_length=”75%” (Default 100%) menu_name – name of the menu (should be created in Appearance > Menu)(default: The one created in Appearance > Menu) menu_class – CSS class for the menu. Example menu_class=”menu-class”. Separate multiple classes with commas. container_class – the CSS class that is applied to the menu container use_shortcode_in_excerpt – If set to true any shortcodes that appear in the excerpt will be processed. Default: false. Note: You must activate the ability to have your site be able to process shortcodes in excerpt field. show_categories – If set to true will also include a link to the category archive page. show_categories=”true” default is false. Using Custom Image Sizes: Under settings > Network Posts Ext menu you will see a box to add a custom image size. You may name it anything you like and use the default alias name or your own. Wants created you must include the following in your shortcode:thumbnail=”true” size=”Name of Alias”. For example if what is listed in the alias box is 600×400 then it would be size=”600×400″ so your thumbnails will have a size of 600px wide and 400px high. You may change the diplayed size of these images using custom css.For example you may create a class called img-size-300×200 and change the displayed image size thus: .img-size-300×200 { height:300px;width:200px; }. Then add this to the shortcode: image_class=”img-size-300×200″. align_image=”right”,align_image=”left. use_layout=”default”,use_layout=”inline” For a complete tutorial please visit: https://wp-plugins.johncardell.com/

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