Wordpress plugins
easyping – website subscriptions done right

easyping – website subscriptions done right

Version : 1.0.6
Tested up to : 5.2.2
Number of download : 8
Author : Easyping.me
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 1 votes 1 votes, 5 avg.rating


easyping – website subscriptions done right
easyping – website subscriptions done right
easyping – website subscriptions done right
easyping – website subscriptions done right

Millennials are the biggest part of nowadays Internet audience. This generation urges any communication to be interactive, fast and individual. That is why messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp and others are the most frequently used apps nowadays. Email, sms, phone calls are outdated. Easyping is a cloud service that enables you to deliver your message right to the preferred messaging app of your customer. This WP plugin is an interface to simplify the whole process of using easyping service right from your WordPress Dashboard. Finally, get much more from Subscription as such Traffic is costly. More than 70% of your website visitors will never come back. That is why you have to establish a connection with them before they leave. The best way is to make them your subscribers. This is the first step to have them as your customers. 1. Replace outdated subscription buttons Usual subscription form has at least 1 field and a button and requires some typing from the user. Our smart button has no fields that is why you get higher subscription rate! Instead of entering email address your visitor just taps desired messaging app icon – done! Visitor subscribed. It’s never been easier. Lazy Millenials would love it! 2. Build up an enhanced base of subscribers with more information for segmentation Sign-up with easyping Smart button provides you more information about your subscriber than just email. You have a variety of options to make a better segmentation and send more personalised newsletters. Just like Millenials love! 3. Easily create outbound campaings and send newsletters, deals and updates Right from your WP admin panel create lists, personalised messaging campaigns and distribute your message with a speed of light to the subscriber’s Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp or Viber or other social messaging app. Open rate is at least 4 times higher! 4. Recommendations from messaging marketing Pros Our support team will be always at your disposal to advise you goot tips and trick to make action rate of your campaigns as high as possible. Get more clicks on the links you send out with your campaign, generate sales and reach the targets you want. Easyping has different tiny and tricky features that will give you really effective tool to outdo the competition and build your successful business! 5. Analyze, improve, send a new campaign. Repeat. Fine-grained statistics of every message sent out, overall indicators for campaings you send – the fullest data at your hands available for unlocking best practises to touch your audience and be successful! 6. AI, chatbots, automation hacks The platform under the hood of easyping is evolving all the time. Soon we will enable you with super tools to be much more productive with less time involved – AI, chatbots and various automation hacks. Stay tuned!

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