Wordpress plugins
Plugins List

Plugins List

Version : 2.3.2
Tested up to : 4.8.2
Number of download : 8283
Author : David Artiss
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 6 votes 6 votes, 5 avg.rating


Plugins List
Plugins List
Plugins List
Plugins List

This is a simple WordPress plugin aimed at giving credit where credit is due. The plugin inserts an XHTML list into any post/page through a shortcode. If you’re into customization, you can specify a format argument and indicate the exact output you are after. There’s also an option to display inactive plugins as well. Key features include… A simple template system allows you to format how you’d like the plugin information to be shown Template tags are available for automatically linked items as well as simple text Choose from a number of pieces of plugin data to be output Display inactive plugins as well as active plugins if you wish Output is cached to provide a super-quick response A separate shortcode allows you to display how many plugins you have! Technical specification… Licensed under GPLv2 (or later) Designed for both single and multi-site installations PHP7 compatible Fully internationalized, ready for translations. If you would like to add a translation to this plugin then please head to our Translating WordPress page WCAG 2.0 Compliant at AA level Thanks to Matej Nastran‘s My plugins, from which Plugins list was initially derived. For the latest known issue and planned enhancements, please see my Bug Tracker site site. Instructions on use To get a list of the plugins that are installed and activated in your website, insert the following into any post or page: <ul>[plugins_list]</ul> You can customise the output specifying the format argument and a number of pre-defined tags. Here’s an example: [plugins_list format="#LinkedTitle# - #LinkedAuthor#</br>"] The tags are: #Title#, #PluginURI#, #Author#" ,#AuthorURI#, #Version#, #Description#, #LinkedTitle#, #LinkedAuthor#. If you want to list also the plug-ins you have installed but are not using, here’s the formula: <ul>[plugins_list show_inactive=true]</ul> The plugins list can be freely styled with css, just place any class or id attribute on the format string, or on the elements surrounding it. By default links will be followed but you can make these “nofollow” by simply adding the parameter of nofollow=true. For example… <ul>[plugins_list nofollow=true]</ul> You can also specify the link target too. For example… <ul>[plugins_list target="_blank"]</ul><h3>Using HTML</h3> If you wish to put HTML in your format then you can. However, this can cause havoc in the Visual editor and even causes extra characters to be passed into the output (rogue paragraph tags, for instance). I therefore highly recommend that, if you wish to add HTML, use { and } instead of < and > around your HTML tags – this plugin will correct this before output but it means the visual editor doesn’t try and interpret the HTML. For example… <ul>[plugins_list format="{li}#LinkedTitle# - #LinkedAuthor#{/li}"]</ul> The characters will be corrected upon output and you will get a lovely, bulleted, un-ordered list as output. Cache By default your plugin list will be cached for 1 hour, ensuring that performance is impacted as little as possible. Use the parameter cache to change the number of hours. Set this to false to switch off caching. For example… <ul>[plugins_list cache=24]</ul> This will cache for 24 hours. The following will switch the cache off… <ul>[plugins_list cache=false]</ul><h3>Plugin Count</h3> A shortcode also exists to allow you to display the number of plugins that you have. Simply add [plugins_number] to your post or page and it will return the number of active plugins. To display the number of active AND inactive plugins use [plugins_number inactive=true]. As with the other shortcode results will be cached by default. To change the number of hours simply use the cache parameter. Set it to false to switch off caching. For example… [plugins_number inactive=true cache=2]<h3>Function Calls</h3> If you wish to get the plugin data via a PHP function call (for example, to integrate it into your theme or add to your own plugin) then the following can be used.. <?php $list = get_plugins_list( $format, $show_inactive, $cache, $nofollow, $target ); ?> None of the parameters are required and are as per the shortcode. For getting the plugin numbers you can use the function… <?php $number = get_plugin_number( $inactive, $cache ); ?> Both function calls will return the appropriate text but not output it. Reviews & Mentions A default WP credit page would be kind of neat

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