Manage all your custom content needs in ONE location with the Pods Framework. You can: Create and edit custom post types, taxonomy, fields and extend existing WordPress objects like users, media, posts and pages or extend other plugins’ custom post types — all from Pods. Easily display your custom content, whether you want to use shortcodes, widgets, the code-free Pods Template approach, or use standard PHP in WordPress Theme templates and functions. Create connections between any of your content to help organize it in logical and useful ways with relationship fields. Let Pods help you grow your development skills and manage content beyond the standard WordPress Posts & Pages. Check out for our User Guide, Support Forum, and our Slack Chat to help you develop with Pods. Introduction Content types that evolve with your needs Create any type of content that you want — small or large — we’ve got you covered. Every content type created with Pods gets all the love it needs to grow up big and strong. You’ll get an easy to use interface that lets you manage custom fields and how your content type will function. We now give you the power you’ve never before had with a single plugin because we’ve re-imagined how to manage content types from the ground up. Create new content types With Pods, you can create entirely new content types: Custom Post Types – Content types that look and function like Posts and Pages, but in their own separate areas Custom Taxonomies – Content types that look and function like Categories and Tags, but in their own separate areas Custom Settings Pages – Create custom admin forms under Settings to help organize your site’s custom global settings Advanced Content Types – These are entirely separate from WordPress and function off their own database tables Extend existing content types Not satisfied? How about the power of being able to extend existing content types? We’ve got you covered with extending these major WordPress objects: Post Types – Create and manage fields for any existing Post Type (Posts, Pages, etc), even those created by plugins or themes Taxonomies – Create and manage fields for any existing Taxonomies (Categories, Tags, etc), even those created by plugins or themes Media – Create and manage fields for your media uploads, easily add additional information and context to any file you want Users – Create and manage fields for your user profiles, this is truly the bees knees! Comments – Create and manage fields for your visitor comments, easily add fields to fit the way you use comments as reviews and more Use our field types, or make your own We have a lot of common field types available for you to use, or you can build your own with our extensible field type classes. Each of these field type have their own set of options, if those aren’t enough they are also easily extended: Date / Time – Date, Time, or both Number – Plain Number or Currency Text – Plain Text, Website, Phone, E-mail, or Password Paragraph Text – Plain Paragraph, WYSIWYG (TinyMCE or CLEditor, or add your own), or Code (Syntax Highlighting) Color Picker – Choose colors, because colors are great Yes / No – You can’t really go wrong with a checkbox, but we’ve added a few charms to make it stand out File / Image / Video – Upload new media or select from existing ones with our Media Library integration, or use a simple uploader, your choice Avatars – Upload new media or select from existing ones, automatically integrates with get_avatar calls for Users extended by Pods Relationships – Relate any item, to any item of any WP object type, another Pod, or a custom user-defined list — with bidirectional relationships Relationships to rule the world with Custom defined list Post Types Taxonomies Users User Roles User Capabilities Media Comments And many other relationships are also available including: Image Sizes Navigation Menus Post Formats Post Status Sidebars Countries (predefined) US States (predefined) Days of Week (predefined) Months of Year (predefined) Easily display your content There are several ways to get Pods data to show up throughout your site, but with any WP object type you create or extend with Pods, you can use all of the functions and methods you’re already used to with the core WordPress API / Loop — out of the box! Additionally, we have a United Theming API that lets you theme your content types across every type of Pod, regardless if it’s a post type or taxonomy or user, or.. you get the picture. Customized Management Panels Utilize Pods UI (included in Pods 1.10+) to build your own Custom Management panels for your Pods. Optional Components to do even more You can enable some of our included components to extend your WordPress site even further: Roles and Capabilities – Create or edit Roles for your site, and customize their corresponding capabilities Pages – Create custom pages that function off of your site’s path, with wildcard support, and choose the Page Template to use Templates – Use our template engine to create templates that can be handed off to clients for carefree management Helpers – Customize how Pods works right from the admin area with simple to advanced reusable code snippets Advanced Content Types – These types of content were built into Pods prior to 2.3, but are now optionally enabled Table Storage – Enable table-based storage for custom fields on Post Types, Media, Users, and Comments. Also adds the ability to add custom fields to Taxonomies Advanced Relationships – Add advanced relationship objects for relating to including Database Tables, Multisite Networks, Multisite Sites, Themes, Page Templates, Sidebars, Post Type Objects, and Taxonomy Objects Markdown Syntax – Parses Markdown Syntax for Paragraph Text / WYSIWYG fields Builder theme integration – Use our tightly integrated modules for Builder in your layouts Migrate to Pods, find out what you’ve been missing Using another solution? We’ve built additional components to help you transition: Import from Custom Post Type UI More imports coming soon including Importing from Custom Field Suite, Advanced Custom Fields, and Custom Tables Plays well with others We also do our best to integrate and play nicely with other projects: Plugins we’ve integrated with Tabify Edit Screen Codepress Admin Columns Polylang YARPP WPML Conductor Timber Gravity Forms Using the Pods Gravity Forms Add-on Caldera Forms Using the Pods Caldera Forms Add-on Themes we’ve integrated with Beaver Builder (BeaverBuilder) Builder (iThemes) Genesis (StudioPress) Contributors Pods really wouldn’t be where it is without all of the contributions both financially and through code / time. Check out our GitHub for a list of contributors, or search our GitHub issues to see everyone involved in adding features, fixing bugs, or reporting issues/testing. Translations Many thanks go out to the fine folks who have helped us translate Pods into other languages other than English! Join us in further translating the Pods interface at: We also have a dedicated Slack Chat channel to help our translators get started and to support them on the process.