Wordpress plugins
Pronamic Cookies

Pronamic Cookies

Version : 0.3.1
Tested up to : 3.7.22
Number of download : 21176
Author : Pronamic
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 2 votes 2 votes, 5 avg.rating


Pronamic Cookies
Pronamic Cookies
Pronamic Cookies
Pronamic Cookies

The Pronamic Cookies plugin allows you to activate a cookie solution on your WordPress website. There are multiple ways to inform the visitors of the use of cookies. The Pronamic Cookies plugin supports the following techniques: Bar The cookie bar technique is a simple bar along the top or bottom of the page that gives notification that your website uses cookies. The location, link and text of the bar can be easily adjusted. Note: This technique won’t block any cookies which are used on your website. Wall The cookie wall technique is a full site lockout until cookies have been accepted. It is run before anything that can set any JavaScript or cookies. A background image, color and text are modifiable from the settings. Section The cookie section technique is useful for small components or functionalities on your website wich require cookies. You could for example use this for the sharing buttons from Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. Note: This technique requires adjustments in the theme or plugins you use. Sections You can specify sections you want to require a cookie to be set with the following: <?php pronamic_cookies_is_section_accepted( $name ); ?> $name will be a unique name for this cookie. This method will return boolean depending if the cookie has been set or not. <?php pronamic_cookies_button( $name, $arguments = array() ); ?> $name will be the same name used in is_pronamic_cookies_section_accepted(); $arguments allow an array of the following keys: title (the title message in the modal) description (an overode description text, from the option set) button (the text on the button itself) Dynamic A new dynamic component is available that will ensure that sections are correctly shown even with any caching in place. <?php $name = 'pronamic_cookies_dynamic'; ?> Name is the unique naming given to this dynamic section. Its name is important for determining the content you want to show once accepted. <?php $container = 'pronamic_cookies_dynamic_container'; ?> This is the name of the surrounding div ( CSS CLASS NAME ) <?php $arguments = array( 'title' => __( 'Title on the message modal' ), 'description' => __( 'Will overide the description text from the options' ), 'button' => __( 'The text on the button' ) ); pronamic_cookies_dynamic( $name, $container, $arguments ); ?> You don’t require an if statement with dynamic ( or the usage of pronamic_cookies_is_section_accepted() ). Success Content To show the success content for pronamic_cookies_dynamic, you require a function that is used in combination with add_filter <?php add_filter( 'pronamic_cookies_dynamic_$name', 'function_name' ); ?> Where $name is the name used in the call to pronamic_cookies_dynamic(); Example <div class="pronamic_cookies_dynamic_container"> <a href="#" class="jShowCookieLawModal">Click</a> </div> <?php pronamic_cookies_dynamic( 'facebook_section', 'pronamic_cookies_dynamic_container', array( 'title' => __( 'Cookies are required for this section' ) ) ); // In a functions file add_filter( 'pronamic_cookies_dynamic_facebook_section', 'facebook_section_success' ); function facebook_section_success( $content ) { $content = 'custom javascript or anything else'; return $content; } ?><h3>JavaScript</h3> You can call the modal of pronamic_cookies_dynamic and pronamic_cookies_section from anything (imgs, buttons, links) just give that element the class ‘jShowCookieLawModal’

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