Easily add fade-in’s to your posts, pages and custom posts using the shortcode [fadein]. The [fadein] shortcode has “delay” and “duration” attributes that allow you to set the delay and duration of the fade-in in seconds. Here are the attributes that both the [fadein] and [fadeinbackground] shortcode have these attributes: backgroundimage – the url of an image file (e.g.http://example.com/image.jpg) backgroundimageopacity – the opacity of the background image (e.g. 20%) padding – the padding around the shortcode’s content (e.g. 100, 100px, 10%, auto) backgroundcolor – the background color of the shortcode which is displayed over any background image (e.g. blue) backgroundcoloropacity – the opacity of the background color which is displayed over any background image (e.g. 20%) backgroundfit – if you set backgroundfit to “tile” then the background image will be tiled textcolor – the text color of the shortcode’s content (e.g. #ffffff) There is a tutorial on how to use this plugin with lots of examples.