Wordpress plugins
Rich Text Excerpts

Rich Text Excerpts

Version : 1.3.3
Tested up to : 4.6.7
Number of download : 48706


Rich Text Excerpts
Rich Text Excerpts
Rich Text Excerpts
Rich Text Excerpts

The Plugin uses the wp_editor function to generate a rich text editor for page/post excerpts, so will only work in WordPress 3.3 or greater. The plugin utilises three action hooks: add_meta_boxes is used to remove the excerpt meta box generated by WordPress, and add the new excerpt editor metabox. edit_form_advanced and edit_page_form are used to add the excerpt editor to posts and pages when a metabox is not used. Note: the new editing box can either be placed in a sortable, draggable box or in a static position on the editing screen. By default, the former is used, but if you experience problems, try switching to the static approach (using the plugin options page in the Settings menu). The issue with using TinyMCE in sortables is documented here: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/19173 The editing box for excerpts uses wp_editor to create a rich text editor. You can set the options for the rich text editor in the plugin options page (in the WordPress Settings menu). The plugin also contains two filters which act on the “teeny” MCE editor instance which is used by default. The plugins and buttons used by the minimal editor can also be customised on the plugin options page. Contribute Please contribute to the development of this plugin by using it and reporting issues via the WordPress plugins forum. If you are using it successfully, please post a review and rate the plugin. I’m maintaining this plugin on Github: https://github.com/bjorsq/rich-text-excerpts If you would like to make any improvements to the codebase or to translations, please do so by forking it and issuing a pull request when you have made the changes. All releases are tagged on github, and eventually find their way into the WordPress Plugin Directory. Translations If you can translate this plugin, or improve on the existing translations (most of which were made using Google translate), please get in touch either through the WordPress support forum or via GitHub. Many thanks to alcoholdenat for an updated Polish translation (in the 1.3.2 release). Available Languages Afrikaans (af), Albanian (al), Arabic (ar), Basque (eu), Belarusian (be_BY), Bulgarian (bg_BG), Bosnian (bs_BA), Catalan (ca), Chinese (zh_CN), Croatian (hr), Czech (cs_CZ), Danish (da_DK), Dutch (nl_NL), Esperanto (eo), Estonian (et), Finnish (fi), French (fr_FR), Gaeilge (ga), Galician (gl_ES), Georgian (ge_GE), German (de_DE), Greek (el_GR), Hebrew (he_IL), Hindi (hi_IN), Hungarian (hu_HU), Icelandic (is_IS), Indonesian (id_ID), Italian (it_IT), Japanese (ja), Javanese (jv_JV), Kannada (kn_IN), Khmer (km_KH), Korean (ko_KR), Lao (lo), Latvian (lv), Lithuanian (lt_LT), Macedonian (mk_MK), Malay (ms_MY), Norwegian (nb_NO), Persian (fa_IR), Polish (pl_PL), Portuguese (pt_PT), Romanian (ro_RO), Russian (ru_RU), Serbian (sr_RS), Slovak (sk_SK), Slovenian (sl_SI), Spanish (es_ES), Swedish (sv_SE), Tamil (ta_LK), Thai (th), Turkish (tr), Ukranian (uk), Urdu (ur), Vietnamese (vi), Welsh (cy).

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