Sabres offers powerful and unique protection for your website. Protect against a wide array of bot and web-based attacks, and defend your small business website against hackers with our free WordPress plugin. With an ever-growing network of security, Sabres offers revolutionary defense against bots. Small and medium business websites are constantly under threat of attack from hackers and bots. Download Sabres Security’s WordPress Plugin to even the odds and protect your small business from the catastrophic damage of having a website taken down. Our system offers: Active security scanning tools that can detect bot traffic and react in real-time An ever-expanding library of known security threats that lets us adapt our response tools A growing network of security created by crowdsourcing our users’ defense to prevent attacks A powerful intrusion detection system that prevents attacks before they happen Two-factor authentication to bolster access security to websites Military-Grade Protection for your Small Business Site With our revolutionary security plugin, your small business website will be safe from an ever-growing list of threats. Our plugin comes ready to use, and requires no fine-tuning to work properly. Simply download and install it, and Sabres will instantly optimize your website’s security with machine-learning based defense systems and real-time solutions to attacks and hacks. Sabres protects you against the following attacks: Our system protects against: Known CMS exploits and version vulnerabilities Defacements (our Alert and Restore system) Anomaly-based attacks – OWASP Bots Brute Force Attacks Cross-site scripting (XSS) SQL injection Hosting and server vulnerabilities Crowdsourced Security, Individual Protection For many small and medium business sites, being attacked is a part of everyday life. As enterprise-level solutions are too expensive, it can be more cost-effective to survive attacks and simply repair the damage. However, Sabres can change all that with crowdsourced security. Join a growing network of users who are contributing to protecting every website by preventing attacks and turning back hackers. Download Sabres Security for your Small Business Website now to protect yourself!