Wordpress plugins
Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce

Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce

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Tested up to : 4.8.2
Number of download : 89513
Average rating : 4 / 5 on 30 votes 30 votes, 4 avg.rating


Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce
Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce
Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce
Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce

Brilliant Web-to-Lead for Salesforce creates a solid integration between your WordPress install(s) and your Salesforce CRM account! People can enter a contact form on your site, and the lead (or case) goes straight into Salesforce CRM: no more copy pasting lead info, no more missing leads: each and every one of them is in Salesforce.com for you to follow up. Check out the screencast You can fully configure all the different settings for the form, and then use a shortcode to insert the form into your posts or pages, or you can use the widget that comes with the plugin and insert the form into your sidebar! Please see this Demo video to get a full grasp of some of the power this plugin holds (though it’s a bit outdated!). Previous contributors: Joost de Valk ModernTribe Daddy Donkey Labs Filters and Hooks Note: These should be placed in your active theme functions.php or a functionality plugin. Never edit a plugin directly (unless you understand the implications of doing so). You can use Pluginception to create a custom plugin for these to make them independent of your theme: https://wordpress.org/plugins/pluginception/ Filters salesforce_w2l_api_url Change the API url the plugin posts data to. Passes the form type (lead or case) add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_api_url', 'my_w2l_api_url', 10, 2 ); function my_w2l_api_url( $url, $form_type ){ return 'https://my.custom-api-url.com/something/'; } sfwp2l_validate_field Provide your own validation logic for each field. An error array is passed in, along with the field name, submitted value, and field configuration (type, default value, required, etc). Here’s an example of blocking common free email providers: add_filter('sfwp2l_validate_field','block_non_biz_emails', 10, 4); function block_non_biz_emails( $error, $name, $val, $field ){ if( $name == 'email' ){ $non_biz_domains = array( 'gmail.com', 'yahoo.com', 'hotmail.com', 'aol.com' ); $domain = array_pop(explode('@', $val)); if( in_array( $domain, $non_biz_domains ) ){ $error['valid'] = false; $error['message'] = 'Please enter a business email addresss.'; } } return $error; } You can add to the $non_biz_domains to block other providers as well. salesforce_w2l_form_html HTML of the form before it’s returned to WordPress for display salesforce_w2l_cc_user_from_name Change from name (user confirmation) salesforce_w2l_cc_user_from_email Change from email (user confirmation) salesforce_w2l_cc_admin_from_name Change from name (admin notification) salesforce_w2l_cc_admin_from_email Change from email (admin notification) salesforce_w2l_cc_admin_email_list Adding this code to your functions.php file will add 3 emails to the list. You can add as many as you want and each will get an admin notification email. add_filter('salesforce_w2l_cc_admin_email_list','salesforce_add_emails'); function salesforce_add_emails( $emails ){ //uncomment line below to remove site admin //unset($emails[0]); $emails[]='email@domain.com'; $emails[]='email2@domain.com'; $emails[]='email3@domain.com'; return $emails; } salesforce_w2l_cc_user_email_content salesforce_w2l_cc_admin_email_content Allows you to filter (append, prepend, modify) the email message content sent to the user or admin(s). add_filter('salesforce_w2l_cc_user_email_content','salesforce_filter_user_message', 10, 1); function salesforce_filter_user_message( $message ){ $message = 'Before the user message' . "\r\n\r\n" . $message . "\r\n\r\n" . 'After the user message'; return $message; } add_filter('salesforce_w2l_cc_admin_email_content','salesforce_filter_admin_message', 10, 1); function salesforce_filter_admin_message( $message ){ $message = 'Before the admin message' . "\r\n\r\n" . $message . "\r\n\r\n" . 'After the admin message'; return $message; } salesforce_w2l_cc_admin_replyto_email Filter the Reply-To email header (e.g. to allow replies to go to the form submitter) salesforce_w2l_returl salesforce_w2l_returl_{Form ID} Allows you to filter the value of a field before it is output to dynamically populate it with a value, auto set it based on another value, etc. Examples: // Filter Return/Success URL on a specific form // salesforce_w2l_returl_{Form ID} add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_returl_1_tester', 'salesforce_w2l_returl_1_tester_example', 10, 1 ); function salesforce_w2l_returl_1_tester_example( $returl ){ return 'http://123.com'; } salesforce_w2l_success_message salesforce_w2l_success_message_{Form ID} Allows you to filter the contents of the success message before it is output to dynamically populate it with a value, auto set it based on another value, etc. Examples: // Filter Success Message on a specific form // salesforce_w2l_success_message_{Form ID} add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_success_message_1_tester', 'salesforce_w2l_success_message_1_tester_example', 10, 1 ); function salesforce_w2l_success_message_1_tester_example( $success ){ return 'Testing 123'; } salesforce_w2l_field_value salesforce_w2l_field_value_{Form ID}_{Field Name} Allows you to filter the value of a field before it is output to dynamically populate it with a value, auto set it based on another value, etc. Note that the second filter requires you to replace {Form ID} and {Field Name} to be replaced with the relevant form id and field name. If you need access to the field or form settings in your filter you can use: $field = salesforce_get_field( $field_name, $form_id ); $form = salesforce_get_form( $form_id ); Examples: // Pre-check a checkbox add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_field_value', 'salesforce_w2l_field_value_precheck_example', 10, 3 ); function salesforce_w2l_field_value_precheck_example( $val, $field, $form ){ $form_id = 1; // form id to act upon $field_name = 'checkboxfield__c'; // API Name of the field you want to auto check if( $form == $form_id && $field_name == $field && ! $_POST ) return 1; // or whatever the value of your checkbox is return $val; } // Store HTTP referrer in a field (this is not 100% reliable as the browser sends this value to the server) add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_field_value', 'salesforce_w2l_field_value_referrer_example', 10, 3 ); function salesforce_w2l_field_value_referrer_example( $val, $field, $form ){ $form_id = 1; // form id to act upon $field_name = 'referrer__c'; // API Name of the field you want to autofill if( $form == $form_id && $field_name == $field ){ if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ){ return $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } } return $val; } // Autofill fields based on thew query string (using Google Analytics tracking variables in this example) add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_field_value', 'salesforce_w2l_field_value_querystring_example', 10, 3 ); function salesforce_w2l_field_value_querystring_example( $val, $field, $form ){ $form_id = 1; // form id to act upon $field_name = 'source__c'; // API Name of the field you want to autofill $qs_var = 'source'; // e.g. ?source=foo if( $form == $form_id && $field_name == $field ){ if( isset( $_GET[ $qs_var ] ) ){ return $_GET[ $qs_var ]; } } return $val; } // Autofill a user's country based on IP add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_field_value', 'salesforce_w2l_field_value_geoip_example', 10, 3 ); function salesforce_w2l_field_value_geoip_example( $val, $field, $form ){ // Based on this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/geoip-detect/ // Adjust this code to the one used by your geo detection plugin if( !function_exists( 'geoip_detect2_get_info_from_current_ip' ) ) return; $form_id = 1; // form id to act upon $field_name = 'country__c'; // API Name of the field you want to autofill if( $form == $form_id && $field_name == $field ){ $userInfo = geoip_detect2_get_info_from_current_ip(); //$val = $userInfo->country->isoCode; // e.g. US $val = $userInfo->country->name; // e.g. United States } return $val; } // Autofill a date // https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/current_time // http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_field_value', 'salesforce_w2l_field_value_date_example', 10, 3 ); function salesforce_w2l_field_value_date_example( $val, $field, $form ){ $form_id = 1; // form id to act upon $field_name = 'mydatefield__c'; // API Name of the field you want to auto check if( $form == $form_id && $field_name == $field && ! $_POST ) return current_time('Y-m-d'); // or whatever date format you want return $val; } salesforce_w2l_form_action Allows you to remove the form action. // Remove Form Action add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_form_action', 'salesforce_w2l_form_action_example', 10, 1 ); function salesforce_w2l_form_action_example( $action ){ return ''; } salesforce_w2l_lead_source Allows you to alter the lead source (per form or globally). // Alter Lead Source add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_lead_source', 'salesforce_w2l_lead_source_example', 10, 2 ); function salesforce_w2l_lead_source_example( $lead_source, $form_id ){ if( $form_id == 1 ) return 'Example Lead Source for Form #1 on page id #'.get_the_id(); return $lead_source; } salesforce_w2l_post_args Allows filtering of the wp_remote_post arguments (e.g. extend the timeout, increase redirect limit, etc). add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_post_args', 'salesforce_w2l_post_args_example' ); function salesforce_w2l_post_args_example( $args ){ $args['timeout'] = 10; // http timeout in seconds return $args; } salesforce_w2l_post_data Allows filtering of the post data before it is sent to SalesForce. add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_post_data', 'salesforce_w2l_post_data_example', 10, 3 ); function salesforce_w2l_post_data_example( $post, $form_id, $form_type ){ error_log( 'POST ARGS = '.print_r( $post, 1 ) ); $post['test'] = 'test'; return $post; } salesforce_w2l_show_admin_nag_message Suppress the organization id missing nag message (return false). add_filter( 'salesforce_w2l_show_admin_nag_message', '__return_false', 10, 1 ); Actions salesforce_w2l_before_submit Allows you to do something (read only) with the post data before it’s submitted to SalesForce. e.g. Send it to another API, log it to a database, etc. If you need to change the data, use the salesforce_w2l_post_data filter. add_action('salesforce_w2l_before_submit', 'salesforce_w2l_before_submit_example', 10, 3 ); function salesforce_w2l_before_submit_example( $post, $form_id, $form_type ){ error_log( 'BEFORE SUBMIT '.print_r($post,1) ); } salesforce_w2l_error_submit Allows you to do something (read only) with the post data when there is an error submitting to SalesForce. e.g. Notify someone via email, log it somewhere, etc. add_action('salesforce_w2l_error_submit', 'salesforce_w2l_error_submit_example', 10, 4 ); function salesforce_w2l_error_submit_example( $result, $post, $form_id, $form_type ){ error_log( 'ERROR SUBMIT ' . print_r($result,1) ); } salesforce_w2l_after_submit Allows you to do something (read only) with the post data after it’s submitted to SalesForce. e.g. Send it to another API, log it to a database, etc. add_action('salesforce_w2l_after_submit', 'salesforce_w2l_after_submit_example', 10, 3 ); function salesforce_w2l_after_submit_example( $post, $form_id, $form_type ){ error_log( 'AFTER SUBMIT '.print_r($post,1) ); }

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