Wordpress plugins
Display custom fields in the frontend – Post and User Profile Fields

Display custom fields in the frontend – Post and User Profile Fields

Version : 1.2.0
Tested up to : 6.0
Number of download : 30
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 6 votes 6 votes, 5 avg.rating


Display custom fields in the frontend – Post and User Profile Fields
Display custom fields in the frontend – Post and User Profile Fields
Display custom fields in the frontend – Post and User Profile Fields
Display custom fields in the frontend – Post and User Profile Fields

Display post and user custom fields data anywhere on the frontend using a shortcode, including advanced custom fields (ACF) fields. Do you want to display information from a user profile on the frontend? Do you want to display custom fields from a post on the frontend? Have you created metaboxes with Advanced Custom Fields and you want to display those fields? Use this plugin to display any field for a post or user profile on the frontend. Basic examples Display email of the current user: [vg_display_data key="user_email" data_source="user_data"] Display first name of the current user: [vg_display_data key="first_name" data_source="user_meta"] Display full name of the current user: [vg_display_data key="first_name,last_name" data_source="user_meta"] Display the title of the current post: [vg_display_data key="post_title" data_source="post_data"] Display the excerpt of the current post: [vg_display_data key="post_excerpt" data_source="post_data"] Display the categories of the post ID = 20: [vg_display_data object_id="20" key="category" data_source="post_terms" template="<b>Categories:</b> {{var}}" joiner=", "] Get featured image url: [vg_display_data key="_thumbnail_id" template="<b>Image url:</b> {{var}}" flag="file_url"] Get featured image as <img> tag.: [vg_display_data key="_thumbnail_id" template="<b>Image:</b> {{var}}" flag="image_tag"] Advanced examples Display the title for the post ID from the URL containing the parameter ?post_id=ANY_NUMBER: [vg_display_data object_id_type="query_string" object_id="post_id" key="post_title" data_source="post_data"] Get post or user ID from php function: [vg_display_data object_id_type="callable" object_id="function_name" key="post_title" data_source="post_data"] Get email of the current user with phone number = 1234 (meta_key=phone AND meta_value=1234): [vg_display_data object_id_type="find" object_id="phone:1234" key="user_email" data_source="user_data"] Parameters object_id = Post ID. Leave empty to use the current post. Possible values: (empty), current, number, query string key if object_id_type=query_string, function name if object_id_type=callable, meta_key:meta_value if object_id_type=find object_id_type = Leave empty if object_id is empty, or current, or is a number. Possible values: query_string , callable , find data_source = What database table to use to find the data. Default = post_meta. Possible values: post_data, post_meta, user_data, user_meta, post_terms. key = Field key. It accepts one or multiple keys separated by commas. For example, to display full name = first_name,last_name. Required. template = HTML fragment to use to display the field, if the field is empty the html is not displayed. Optional. default = Default value to use if the field is empty. Optional. joiner = If the field has multiple values, it will join the values with this string. Default ” ” (one space). Optional. flag = Use only if the field contains a file ID to conver the ID to URL or image tag. Default values: file_url , image_tag. Optional. wp_filter = Whether to run a wp filter on the field value before display. For example, “wpautop” to turn line breaks into paragraphs. Optional, only for advanced users. sanitization = Where to allow the display of any html. By default it allows only safe tags, it uses wp_kses_post. Possible values: yes , no. Default: yes. Optional.

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