Wordpress plugins
Smooth Scroll by WPOS

Smooth Scroll by WPOS

Version : 1.1
Tested up to : 5.8
Number of download : 244
Average rating : 3.5 / 5 on 7 votes 7 votes, 3.5 avg.rating


Smooth Scroll by WPOS
Smooth Scroll by WPOS
Smooth Scroll by WPOS
Smooth Scroll by WPOS

A simple plugin contains Smooth Scrolling To Element, Go To Top and MouseWheel Smooth Scroll. View DEMO for more details Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block. Smooth Scrolling To Element Smooth Scrolling effect where you click on a link and your browser smoothly scrolls down to the appropriate section. This can be achived by a shortcode and can be used multiple time on a page. For example : [ss_link link="content1" name="Click Me" class="button"] Where [ss_link] is the main shortcode and all other are parameters. Go To Top For websites that have a lot of information on the page you will scroll far down the page to consume the information. Websites with initiate scroll need something to make it easy to return to the top. This is done with a button which will scroll them back to the top. MouseWheel Smooth Scroll MouseWheel Smooth Scroll provides smooth vertical scrolling as you scroll up/down the webpage with mouse wheel. Shortcode parameters for Smooth Scrolling To Element Link : [ss_link link=”content1″] (Link parameter is used define the link target. ie if you are giving link="content1" thats when the contant where you want to scroll should have ID content1 ie <div id="content1">....</div>) Button Name : [ss_link link=”content1″ name=”Click Me”] (i.e Name of link) Button Class : [ss_link link=”content1″ name=”Click Me” class=”button”] (i.e Design your button by giving a custom class.) Features Shortcode for Smooth Scrolling To Element where you can create unlimted buttons and scroll to their there elements section. MouseWheel Smooth Scroll Go To Top

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