Wordpress plugins
Snow Monkey Editor

Snow Monkey Editor

Version : 9.3.2
Tested up to : 6.4
Number of download : 57
Author : inc2734
Average rating : 4 / 5 on 5 votes 5 votes, 4 avg.rating


Snow Monkey Editor
Snow Monkey Editor
Snow Monkey Editor
Snow Monkey Editor

The Snow Monkey Editor is a plugin that extends the block editor. GitHub: https://github.com/inc2734/snow-monkey-editor/ Formatter Click Snow Monkey button in toolbar. Text badge Text background color Text font size Text highlighter Text color Text letter spacing Format clear Extensions You can settings in inspector. Hide on smartphone size or tablet size or PC size. (Using media query) Hide by user roles. (Using render_block filter hook. If it does not pass this filter, it is ignored) Scroll animation Publish date time settings Unpublish date time settings Edit lock by user roles. (Only administrators can set it) Block presets This feature allows you to save the settings of a block and set them for other blocks of the same type at the touch of a button. (The number of blocks/attributes that can be used by the block preset feature is limited by default.) Block styles There can be used in paragraph blocks, group blocks, image blocks, etc. Alert Alert (Remarks) Alert (Success) Alert (Warning) Fluid shapes Post-it Post-it (Narrow) Shadowed Speech (Top) Speech (Right) Speech (Bottom) Speech (Left) List (Arrow) List (Check) List (Remarks) List (Times) Ordered list (Circle) Ordered list (Square) Filter hooks (JavaScript) SnowMonkeyEditor.extension.allowedNameSpaces JavaScript import { addFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks'; addFilter( 'SnowMonkeyEditor.extension.allowedNameSpaces', 'snow-monkey-blocks/apply-snow-monkey-editor-extensions', ( allowedNameSpaces, extensionName ) => { return [ ...allowedNameSpaces, 'snow-monkey-blocks', ]; } ); PHP add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function() { $data = "wp.hooks.addFilter( 'SnowMonkeyEditor.extension.allowedNameSpaces', 'snow-monkey-blocks/apply-snow-monkey-editor-extensions', ( allowedNameSpaces, extensionName ) => { return [ ...allowedNameSpaces, 'snow-monkey-blocks', ]; } );"; wp_add_inline_script( 'snow-monkey-editor@editor', $data ); } ); SnowMonkeyEditor.extension.allowedRoles JavaScript import { addFilter } from '@wordpress/hooks'; addFilter( 'SnowMonkeyEditor.extension.allowedRoles', 'snow-monkey-blocks/apply-snow-monkey-editor-extensions', ( allowedNameSpaces, extensionName ) => { return [ 'administrator' ]; } ); PHP add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', function() { $data = "wp.hooks.addFilter( 'SnowMonkeyEditor.extension.allowedRoles', 'snow-monkey-blocks/apply-snow-monkey-editor-extensions', ( allowedRoles, extensionName ) => { return [ 'administrator' ]; } );"; wp_add_inline_script( 'snow-monkey-editor@editor', $data ); } );

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