Wordpress plugins
Superb Slideshow

Superb Slideshow

Version : 11.3
Tested up to : 4.8.2
Number of download : 39108
Author : Gopi Ramasamy
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating


Superb Slideshow
Superb Slideshow
Superb Slideshow
Superb Slideshow

Very Very Important : Before updating plug-in version, please backup your existing plug-in XML files and images. Check official website for live demo http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/07/18/superb-slideshow/ Live Demo More info Comments/Suggestion About author Note : Those who have updated this plugin from 3.0 to 4.0, go to admin area and change the XMl file name from “superb-slideshow-v2.xml” to “superb-slideshow.xml”, then it will display your correct images This is a strong, cross browser fade in slideshow script that incorporates some of your most requested features all rolled into one. Each instance of a fade in slideshow on the page is completely independent of the other, with support for different features selectively enabled for each slideshow. Fade in effect that has the current image fading over the previous one. Automatic slideshow. Slideshow can be set to stop rotating after N cycles. Each slide can be optionally hyperlinked. Each slide can have an optional description associated with it. Descriptions can either be set to show on demand (when the mouse rolls over the slide), or be always visible until explicitly dismissed. Persistence of last viewed slide supported, so when the user reloads the page, the slideshow resumes from the last slide. Slideshow automatically pauses onMouseover. More info available in this link : http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/07/18/superb-slideshow/ Live demo : http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/07/18/superb-slideshow/ Requirements/Restrictions: Works with WordPress 2.7+ PHP 4.5+ or above with dom library support(this is default in enable mode, so no problem). See your phpinfo file to see DOM/XML enabled or not. To work this plugin DOM/XML should be in enabled mode. This is the XML based slide show, so to add or delete the images. 1. Take the “superb-slideshow.xml” XML file from plugin folder. 2. add/update/delete the image node to modify the slideshow images. 3. You can use full image path in XML file. We can use this plug-in in different way. 1. Go to widget menu and drag and drop the “Superb Slideshow” widget to your sidebar location. or 2. Copy and past the below mentioned code to your desired template location. <?php if (function_exists (sswld_show)) sswld_show(); ?> Use the below code to the page or post [superb-slideshow filename=”page1.xml” width=”400″ height=”300″] Translators English (en_EN) – Gopi Ramasamy Polish (pl_PL) – Abdul Sattar

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