Wordpress plugins
Thematic html5 plugin

Thematic html5 plugin

Version : 0.4.1
Tested up to : 3.5.2
Number of download : 2089
Author : middlesister
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating


Thematic html5 plugin
Thematic html5 plugin
Thematic html5 plugin
Thematic html5 plugin

This plugin will convert the markup of themes based on the Thematic theme framework to use html5 elements. Requires Thematic 1.0 or later. New filters were introduced in Thematic 1.0.2 that optimizes the use of this plugin, but it will work with Thematic 1.0 as well using an output buffer. It uses the built in filters of Thematic to change the markup in desired places. If you are using any childtheme_override_* functions they will still work, and will override this plugin’s loops as well. You will then need to make sure that your override loops uses html5 yourself. The markup changes are: doctype changed to <!doctype html> conditional comment classes from html5boilerplate are added to the opening <html> tag meta tag “charset” added to <head> defunkt meta tag http-equiv=Content-type removed (replaced by meta tag above) #header uses <header> element nav_menu and page_menu uses the <nav> element post pagination links uses the <nav> element nav-above and nav-below uses the <nav> element the loops are using the <article> element for individual posts. .entry-header uses the <header> element the post title will always be a <h1> .entry-utility uses the <footer> element widget areas are <aside> elements, with individual widgets as <section> elements. The widget title is <h1> #footer uses <footer> element The plugin will also add a html5shiv javascript so the new elements will work with older IE browsers. It tries to be detect if any other script has been enqueued, like modernizr, and will only add the script if necessary. The plugin is intentionally very bare bones, no settings or checkboxes, just activate and go. Ideas, bug reports and general feature requests are welcome at the github issue tracker.

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