Wordpress plugins
Training – Courses

Training – Courses

Version : 1.3
Tested up to : 5.8.2
Number of download : 15
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 1 votes 1 votes, 5 avg.rating


Training – Courses
Training – Courses
Training – Courses
Training – Courses

Training is a comprehensive Learning management system Plugin for WordPress. This Training Plugin can be used to easily create courses. Each course curriculum can be made with modules, lessons and exercises which can be managed by anyone. Features included in this plugin: * Create courses (upto 5) * Manage Courses. * Create and manage Modules. * Create and manage Lessons. * Settings - Notification timeout settings * Create and manage Exercises with time periods. * Admin can assign & remove courses to any user. * Admin can track Course Progress of any user. * User can "submit project" or "marked completed" after learning any course. * While making exercises you can add "Help Links", "Additional Images, Videos" and "Notes". * List/Add/Edit/Delete authors * Assign author to course / Display author of course on frontend * Assign Category & subcategory to a course * On frontend, filter courses by category, subcategory * Share course on Facebook and Twitter Extra Features included in premium version: * Create Unlimited Courses * Create paid courses * Create survey using form builder and send at user email * User can rate and add comments for any course * Stripe and Paypal payment gateway integration. Payumoney gateway available for Indian customers * Customize email templates Contact Us premium version installtion and configuration DEMO

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