Wordpress plugins
Tweet Import

Tweet Import

Version : 1.3.1
Tested up to : 2.9.2
Number of download : 7222
Average rating : 0 / 5 on 0 votes 0 votes, 0 avg.rating


Tweet Import
Tweet Import
Tweet Import
Tweet Import

Tweet Import is a WordPress plugin that imports Twitter tweets from multiple Twitter accounts and lists into WordPress. By importing tweets, Tweet Import actually creates WordPress regular posts using the content of the imported tweets. It allows importing Twitter feeds to different categories, and allows tagging imported tweets using user defined tags and/or the tweet content #hashtags. Tweet Import requires no authentication and can be used to import the user posted tweets and retweets from the specified Twitter accounts and lists. Legal Notice Copying content created by other people and claiming ownership is unethical and illegal. Please use this plugin in a decent and legal way. The author of this plugin is not responsible for any misuse or infringement of any legal laws caused by bad use of this plugin. Features Tweet Import allows importing the following types of Twitter feeds: User Public Timeline: the public feed of a specific user account. This includes the tweets and retweets posted by the account owner of the Twitter user Favorites Feed: includes the tweets favorite by the Twitter user List: The tweets that appear on a user created list For every imported feed, Tweet Import supports the following options: Assign a specific author for the imported tweets. This is useful if multiple authors use the same WordPress installation Import Twets to a specific category Add user defined tags to the imported tweets and created posts Identify Twitter user names and make them clickable to their Twitter public profile pages Extract #hashtags from the tweet content and add them as tags to the created posts Make #hashtags clickable to either the Twitter search page or locally to the tag page on the local site Remove the name of the Twitter author [ @name: ] prefix from imported tweets Identify links in tweet content and make them clickable to their respective URL’s Like this plugin? Keep up to date If you like this work, you can keep up to date with the latest news and releases of skinju packages and plugins. You can: Follow skinju on Twitter to keep up to date on bug fixes and releases Let Others Know You can also help spread the word and let others know about it. You can: Link to skinju website http://skinju.com/ Give the plugins good ratings on the plugin pages on WordPress.org

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