Wordpress plugins


Version : 1.6.1
Tested up to : 4.2.16
Number of download : 24179
Average rating : 4 / 5 on 15 votes 15 votes, 4 avg.rating



This is a WordPress plugin that allows direct excel-like editing of tables in your WordPress database. It’s goals are to provide useful, simple, flexible database table admin screens. It supports: one table per admin screen, as many admin screens as desired These are organized under a new “DB Table Editor” menu item excel spreadsheet like interface using SlickGrid Filter and Sort results Add, Edit & Delete records Custom buttons extensibility Custom permissions per interface for viewing and editing (defaults to: edit_others_posts) editing defaults to the same permission as viewing if not specified CSV exports of filtered grid Custom primary key names (but must be a single value / column) Adding an Interface on the fly If we go to look up a database table editor and we dont find it, but there is a function named dbte_create_$tbl that matches, we will call that function expecting it to return a dbte instance. This is useful in situations where we may not have the data for a table editor in all circumstances (EG: not every page has a member id, so only do it on that particular page). Adding an Interface from a plugin If you need to add an interface from a plugin, you should use the admin_menu action with a lower than default priority. eg: add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_load_tables', -10 ); Inside of the my_load_tables function you would include all the calls to add_db_table_editor Custom Buttons Buttons can be created by pushing functions into DBTableEditor.extraButtons. Each of these is a slick grid rowButtonFormatter and should return a string of html. eg: out += fn(row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext); The button column width can be set by setting: DBTableEditor.buttonColumnWidth before the ready function is called Hooks / Actions db-table-editor_enqueue_scripts is an action that will be called after enqueueing all plugin scripts and before enqueueing jsFile (if it exists) function dbTableEditorScripts(){ wp_register_script('employee-table-extensions-js', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/employee-table.js', array('db-table-editor-js')); } add_action('db-table-editor_enqueue_scripts', 'dbTableEditorScripts'); dbte_row_deleted, dbte_row_updated, dbte_row_inserted Called after a row is deleted, updated, or inserted passes ` add_action(‘dbte_row_deleted’, ‘my_dbte_row_deleted’, 10, 2); function my_dbte_row_deleted($currentTable, $idRemoved){ // do things } add_action(‘dbte_row_updated’, ‘my_dbte_row_upserted’, 10, 4); add_action(‘dbte_row_inserted’, ‘my_dbte_row_upserted’, 10, 4); function my_dbte_row_upserted($currentTable, $values, $columns, $indexedModified){ // do things } ` Shortcodes You can use a shortcode to include a dbte interface on a wordpress page. Please use with care. [dbte id=table-editor-id] – (id defaults to table) Caveats Dont put an editable table editor on your public facing screens using the shortcode! Troubleshooting Feel free to ask support questions / open trouble tickets https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-db-table-editor https://github.com/AccelerationNet/wp-db-table-editor/issues Advanced Examples Custom Javascript and Buttons on the table editor See: examples/custom-buttons-and-js.php examples/custom-buttons.js Shows how to add custom javascript to a report page and adds a custom load button on the grid CF7 DB Submit Plugin integration See: examples/cf7dbsubmit_integration.php This is not a fully runnable example, but should give good examples of working cf7dbsubmit plugin Custom save delete hooks custom complex sql building with this plugin sending notifications on edit of specific fields cf7dbsubmit stores its data in a “hashtable” format of: form, submit_time, field_name, field_value but we want to present this in a more excel fasion of each field being a column of our spreadsheet and each row being a different submission Contributers and Thanks bobbysmith007 / Acceleration.net – Primary developer of plugin nikomuse – i18n support

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