Some Wordpress plugins are often updated, which is good think. Plugins that are updated are 100% compatible with last Wordpress version and they also are the most secure possible. A plugin that has not been updated for a long time might not work with last Wordpress version and might create a security breach for you website.
Integrate your WordPress site with Microsoft's low-code service Power Automate with this certified Power Automate connector.
Display an store locations map using shortcodes. Easily add customizable markers, titles, images, and links to your posts and pages.
A simple REST API to retrieve forum-related data, including forums, topics, and replies.
Bring holiday cheer with a Santa Pop-Up, music, countdown, and schedule—perfect for a festive website!
Single Sign On For TNG automates the login to the genealogy program TNG by Darrin Lithgoe.
Extends the WP REST API using JSON Web Tokens for robust authentication, providing a secure and reliable way to access and manage WordPress data.
A simple, lightweight, and secure way for users to upload profile pictures directly from the WooCommerce My Account page or via shortcode.