Some Wordpress plugins are often updated, which is good think. Plugins that are updated are 100% compatible with last Wordpress version and they also are the most secure possible. A plugin that has not been updated for a long time might not work with last Wordpress version and might create a security breach for you website.
Stay informed and keep your users engaged with automatic email notifications whenever a new product is created on your WordPress website.
Exibe cupons de desconto personalizados para usuários logados no WooCommerce.
AgentWP is an intelligent, multilingual AI assistant designed specifically for WordPress sites.
Instantly create studio-quality podcast episodes from your WordPress posts using the Podcraftr API.
Sokkal több, mint egy ÁSZF generátor. ÁSZF és GDPR modulok, adatvédelmi tájékoztató, ÁSZF készítése, adatvédelmi szabályzat készítése, webshop szabályzatok, ÁSZF kezelő, GDPR kezelő, legaltech, ügyvédi szoftver.
BotSailor Abandoned Cart Webhook sends WooCommerce cart abandonment data to a webhook URL for recovery.
Short Description: A plugin to secure the editing of posts by requiring a password for access.