Discover the last created Wordpress pkugins. Some might be useless or a copy of alreay existing plugins, but some might be very interesting, adding new functionalities to you wordpress website.
Pebble 301 Redirects is a simple tool to manage redirects on your Wordpress site.
Theasys is a plugin that lets you easily embed your Tours to your Wordpress…
Restrict BuddyPress pages or content for visitors or different membership plugins.
Catch Gallery allows you to add three different types of layouts (in addition to the default layout provided by WordPress – Thumbnail Grid) for your g …
Preenchimento automático de campos de endereço baseado no CEP informado.
To agree to the processing of personal data in the form of commenting
You will require a Musubi Account and to set-up your schedules with Musubi Bookings before using this plugin.