Here are the most downloaded Wordpress plugins. These most popular Wordpress plugins are downloaded a lot simply because they are very useful, easy to setup and use.
WordPress All in One Load more post for all type of post type and custom post type with custom taxonomy and category.
Accept credit cards through your WooCommerce store. Supports customer information management, refunds, subscriptions, and more.
Enable enqueuing of Google fonts disabled in Serbian language package.
Awesome Woocommerce Advance Quick View Plugin by ThemeFarmer
This plugin FIXES a bug on "Booster for WooCommerce" plugin, where the order search based on custom number doesn't work
Extend device preview in customizer with previewing server-side components, ensuring the previewed device's user agent is set when the site refre …
WooPoe - Paid Order Email for WooCommerce sends an additional e-mail notification to the seller when the order has been paid.
It reproduces publication dates in pages, posts, portfolios or products simply via: [dated].