Discover the last created Wordpress pkugins. Some might be useless or a copy of alreay existing plugins, but some might be very interesting, adding new functionalities to you wordpress website.
Adds an easy to use widget to your theatre company\\'s website that shows customers seating availability & performances at a glance
Mit diesem Plugin können Sie einfach Bilder in einer Galerie anzeigen. Das Plugin kann außerdem perfekt zusammen mit EAPI genutzt werden.
Receiving a comment on your blog post is great and the more comments the better the feeling. It means that not only your post is good but your site be …
This payment module extends WooCommerce and allows you to accept payments via VNPAY.
Wordpress Plugin to integrate Travel Data from Polarsteps within a widget.
Dispaly your Facebook pages Reviews in a beautiful way with a lot of options to…