Here are the most downloaded Wordpress plugins. These most popular Wordpress plugins are downloaded a lot simply because they are very useful, easy to setup and use.
Virtuous is a plugin that connects a website to your Virtuous DRM account, providing the…
Allow those with activate_plugins capability to add notes to their plugins in the plugin screen. These can be used to clarify the usage of plugins fo …
Disables the default notification emails sent by a site after an automatic theme and/or plugin update. Simply activate the plugin to disable these ema …
The official Wompi Plugin for WooCommerce adds payment via the Wompi payment method to your…
WP Writup becomes rank4win, powerful, with new tools. Available in the plugins library, we invite you to download it. When rank4win is activated this plugin is automatically disabled.
Editor Template Filesは、WordpressでTinyMCE(ビジュアルエディタ)のテンプレート機能を利用できるようにします。 テンプレートは、ファイルベースで作成し、編集可能な領域や編集不可の領域を作ることができます。 You can templates available …
Backup, Import, Export, Live Preview a set of settings from WP customizer