Some Wordpress plugins are often updated, which is good think. Plugins that are updated are 100% compatible with last Wordpress version and they also are the most secure possible. A plugin that has not been updated for a long time might not work with last Wordpress version and might create a security breach for you website.
Kindred Installer integrates your website with Kindred, provided you have registered a Kindred brand account.\nWhen you have been sent your unique bran …
This is a Spanish weather forecast widget, Just select your location and you are good to go!
Inglês Wordpress plugin that allow you to create invoices using api. Português Plugin de…
This plugin allows you to add Botsai embed to your Wordpress site by inserting into wp_footer.
Данный плагин предназначен для упрощения интеграции wordpress и qiwi касса по средством WooCommerce.
Organiza tus notas y tareas pendientes en tu Panel de Administración WordPress.
Place your Amazon affiliate link in various attractive formation
Innovative tool to integrate a visual 3D product configurator with your website.