Some Wordpress plugins are often updated, which is good think. Plugins that are updated are 100% compatible with last Wordpress version and they also are the most secure possible. A plugin that has not been updated for a long time might not work with last Wordpress version and might create a security breach for you website.
Add nice looking animation effect of falling snow to your Wordpress site and enjoy winter.
Easy sharing and connecting on social networks. Display on posts or use widgets or shortcode. Also Twitter name/hashtag to link converter.
phone2app es un formulario de contacto y llamadas. La herramienta de gestión de contactos o leads más avanzada hasta el momento.
This plugins makes your embed videos included with its shortcode responsive. Compatible with Youtube and Vimeo.
La classica e richiestissima cascata regione-provincia-comune per la prima volta come plugin completo. Anche per Contact Form 7!