Discover the last created Wordpress pkugins. Some might be useless or a copy of alreay existing plugins, but some might be very interesting, adding new functionalities to you wordpress website.
Count Posts is a simple plugin that provides a template function to count posts, as well as filtering by category and over time in days.
Snowflakes (and more) falling down your blog! Inspired by the unforgettable xsnow. Since 0.8.0 images…
Xili-theme select is an automatic selector of theme according a series of defined rules: one for current browsers and anothers for (each) mobile brows …
Adds customisation options to the wp_list_pages function used to create Page menus, all controlled through the WordPress dashboard.
Customise the order your posts are display in using this simple drag-and-drop Ajax interface.
Create advanced, fully customizable RSS feed widgets. You can use this to replace the built in RSS widget or along side it.
This plugin is a simple one, but good at what it does. It changes three elements of protected posts to make them more friendly to visitors.
Create and manage Polldaddy polls and ratings from within WordPress.