Some Wordpress plugins are often updated, which is good think. Plugins that are updated are 100% compatible with last Wordpress version and they also are the most secure possible. A plugin that has not been updated for a long time might not work with last Wordpress version and might create a security breach for you website.
A plugin which allows you to sort posts, pages, custom post type in ANY order and display the same in your sidebar.
The following plugin enables you to provide your users with paid access to the content published on your website.
Extend your WordPress installation with the latest and most useful Google Tag Manager and optionally Webmaster tools.
Add a meta box in the Links add/edit page for easy uploading/inserting images in your bookmarks.
Selling content of blog for the SMS message. This Plugin allows you to hide any content on your blog, that will be visible only after user sends sms m
display upload_path and upload_url_path for WordPress3.5