An easy way to add a sitemap on one of your pages becomes reality thanks to this WordPress plugin. Just use the shortcode [wp_sitemap_page] on any of your pages. This will automatically generate a sitemap of all your pages and posts. Be carefull, this plugin do not generate an XML sitemap. It only allow you to list all your pages and posts on a single page. This is a sitemap for human not for search engines bots. Why this plugin is useful? Such a sitemap is useful for many reasons: Easy navigation for the users. They can find easily pages or previous posts Improve the SEO of a website Current features Display all pages, posts and categories Display the Custom Post Type (such as: “event”, “book” …) Display the taxonomies Display only one kind of content using the attribute “only”, like [wp_sitemap_page only="page"] Easy to use Possibility to customize the way it will be displayed through the admin panel Possibility to exclude some pages or some Custom Post Type (CPT) Posts and categories displayed hierarchically Has CSS class to customize it if you want Available in multi-languages (cf. English, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Persian …). You can add your own translation if you want Want a WordPress developer? Want to add a translation? Feel free to contact me. How to uninstall WP Sitemap Page To uninstall WP Sitemap Page, you just have to de-activate the plugin from the plugins list.