Wordpress plugins
WP Social Bookmarking Light

WP Social Bookmarking Light

Version : 2.0.2
Tested up to : 4.7.6
Number of download : 849406
Author : utahta
Average rating : 5 / 5 on 3 votes 3 votes, 5 avg.rating


WP Social Bookmarking Light
WP Social Bookmarking Light
WP Social Bookmarking Light
WP Social Bookmarking Light

This plugin inserts social share links at the top or bottom of each post. This is the list of used social sites: Hatena Facebook Like Button Facebook Share Button Facebook Send Button Twitter Tumblr Google Bookmark Google +1 Delicious Digg reddit LinkedIn Instapaper StumbleUpon mixi Check mixi Like GREE Social Feedback atode (toread) LINE Pocket Pinterest

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